The real attack on Democracy.

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Woman finds out that reality does not match with Republican propaganda that motivated her to run for office.
What a coincidence, I was just reading that.
Weeks after winning a school board seat in her deeply red Texas county, Courtney Gore immersed herself in the district’s curriculum, spending her nights and weekends poring over hundreds of pages of lesson plans that she had fanned out on the coffee table in her living room and even across her bed. She was searching for evidence of the sweeping national movement she had warned on the campaign trail was indoctrinating schoolchildren.
But after taking office and examining hundreds of pages of curriculum, Gore was shocked by what she found — and didn’t find.
The pervasive indoctrination she had railed against simply did not exist. Children were not being sexualized, and she could find no examples of critical race theory, an advanced academic concept that examines systemic racism.
“I feel like if I don’t speak out, then I’m complicit,” Gore said. “I refuse to be complicit in something that’s going to hurt children.”
Because of that outspokenness, Gore is facing backlash from the same people who supported her race. She has been threatened at raucous school board meetings and shunned by people she once considered friends.
School marshals escort her and her fellow board members to their cars to ensure no one accosts them.
A very insightful take on how Israel influences elections. In this case in the UK:

For those who see Al Jazeera as suspect: do some research. It suffices to paste the name of the Israeli operative, Shai Masot in Google and open your eyes...

Obviously, Shai Masot has been fired from the Israeli embassy in London. He's into marketing now. Digital marketing.

If you dig a little deeper, you'll find he's also a consultant for several Israeli companies that boast "fixing" elections.

Do you still think US elections will be fair, honest and impartial?
Just wondering: Can we invoke Godwin's Law & eject a candidate from an election when said candidate uses the term "unified reich" in a campaign video?
:rolleyes: Not a Trump campaign video, but pretty likely to end up in a Biden/Harris attack ad? (enjoy🤔)

SNOPES said:
Although the footage was indeed posted on Trump's Truth Social account, a spokesperson for the former U.S. President released a statement saying it was not a campaign video, it was created by a random account online, and was reposted by a staffer who had not realized it contained a reference to the word "Reich."


PS: Is this what you think was newsworthy today?
:rolleyes: Not a Trump campaign video, but pretty likely to end up in a Biden/Harris attack ad? (enjoy🤔)


PS: Is this what you think was newsworthy today?
You say this, and yet Trump is the guy who was more or less openly coordinating with media figures and other politicians to attack a judge while giving Trump himself enough distance to avoid contempt charges. And that was after the judge roasted him for his "innocent" reposting of others' attacks on the judge. Why on earth should I give Trump the benefit of the doubt on this when he repeatedly ducks responsibility for his posts via this exact lame excuse?

This sort of thing has happened repeatedly with Trump; if it really bothered him, don't you think maybe he'd do something to fix the problem? He's the greatest businessman, right? You'd think running a freaking social media account without reposting Nazi shoutouts would be a piece of cake. Either he's really, really bad at what he does, or he does these things intentionally. It's not a very good look either way.
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Whoa now, don't waste time on non-news like Trump sharing videos with Nazi rhetoric, or using phrases straight from Hitler like "poisoning the blood", or calling political opponents "vermin" to be "rooted out", or "a threat from within", or saying there were "many fine people" at a white supremist rally, or promising to be a dictator on "day one", or any such trivia.
We have to focus on the real news, the things that really matter, like Biden eating ice cream.
We have to focus on the real news, the things that really matter, like Biden eating ice cream.
Biden did mix up the president's of Egypt and Mexico once during a speech. And we still haven't gotten to the bottom of Hunter Biden's dick pics either.

So exactly equal and opposite in every way.
Biden did mix up the president's of Egypt and Mexico once during a speech. And we still haven't gotten to the bottom of Hunter Biden's dick pics either.

So exactly equal and opposite in every way.
www said:
the White House was forced to issue a whopping nine corrections to Biden's remarks delivered at a campaign event in Detroit over the weekend.

"And when I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic [recession], and what happened was Barack said to me, “Go to Detroit and help fix it.”
"I protected and expanded the Affordable Care Act, saving millions of families $800,000 in prem- — $8,000 [$800] in — a year in premiums.
"His spirit endures. The NAAC [NAACP] spirit endures."

And that was using a teleprompter...At least he didn't say "pause" because it was in the prompter.

The debate should be entertaining (if it happens).

I really don't envy your choice. Honestly, I wouldn't know who to vote for, given the two evident choices.

Any chance an independent could make a difference?
I really don't envy your choice. Honestly, I wouldn't know who to vote for, given the two evident choices.

Any chance an independent could make a difference?
RFK Jr is mounting a 3rd party run. He has little chance of winning but what typically happens is the 3rd party candidate becomes a spoiler stealing more votes from one of the two evenly divided parties. RFK Jr was a democrat so on paper would steal more votes from President Biden but it looks like he would get votes from ex President Trump also.
There is some speculation about the democrats replacing President Biden at the convention in Chicago (Aug 19-22). How he performs in the debate(s) will be telling. So far President Biden has given no evidence of being willing to step down.

CA Gov Newsom, is waiting in the wings ready to step in. Michelle Obama could be a popular choice, but so far she has claimed disinterest. The elephant in the room is what about VP Harris but she is double digit less popular than other recent VPs. She has joked that she might run for Gov of CA in 2026 when Newsom leaves that office (if they lose in Nov).

I have no prediction about Nov other than to expect more surprises. The democratic convention in Chicago is likely to attract a multitude of disruptive protestors not unlike the 1968 democratic convention there.

Buckle up, bumpy road ahead.

I really don't envy your choice. Honestly, I wouldn't know who to vote for, given the two evident choices.

Any chance an independent could make a difference?
The choice seems obvous to me, given the rhetoric noted above (let alone their track records)...
Would an independent make a difference? Depends on what you mean. Per Duverger's Law there is very little chance of an independent outright winning. Note how Bernie Sanders always switched from Independent to Democratic when he ran from President.
As JR noted an independent candidate can draw enough votes away from one of the two parties to tip an election. I personally dislike our common practice of calling it "stealing" or "spoiling" - no shade at JR or anyone else on this, it's the common terminology, but I'm not fond of the implication that votes rightly belong to one of the two major US parties.
So the choice is senile, outright mad or the one with the brainworm and speech impediment. Wowze!

Oh, yeah and there's Bernie. He's getting on a bit too isn't he?

If I could change the democratic strategy, I'd go for Kamala Harris. It's the only one that can change things in that camp. In the other camp, I don't know. There's hardly anyone left from the old dogs that would do. And the new dogs are incredibly bad. I mean, who votes for MTG?

I was looking at the candidates for our local elections on June 9. The big surprise is nearly one third are new candidates. I wonder if they'll be drawing votes away from the usual voting canons. Also, 16 year olds can vote in the municipal elections for the first time. Let's see what they'll vote for.

I see most parties moving to the right to gain populist votes. I hope that won't work.

We could get fined if we don't show up. That leads to an ever growing number of invalid votes. Being pushed legally to vote seems to hurt the quality.

In the local bar, a few weeks ago, I met a group of brozems. Moped riders, 16, 17 year old. They were a bit loud. All of them had been noted by the police during a school bike and moped check for mopeds that were a lot faster than the permitted 45 kph. That's a 150€ fine and the need to present their bikes in 2 weeks with a working limiter. If that fails their rides are gone forever. I kinda understood their outrage.

I told them they should do something about it. Of course, they felt powerless, so I told them they should vote. Got a blank stare back.

I could hear most agree they should vote ultra-right. Ironically, it's the nagging from that party that leeds to that kind of police activity. So I told them who had been pressing police to act. That resulted in a lively discussion. I hope they can reach a decision.

I noticed the publicity has been very unremarkable this time. No heaps of paper in my letter box. No (verbal) attacks on other parties. It almost feels like the first election in years where politicians are listening. Usually that ends about a week after the election. But some remember...
As JR noted an independent candidate can draw enough votes away from one of the two parties to tip an election. I personally dislike our common practice of calling it "stealing" or "spoiling" - no shade at JR or anyone else on this, it's the common terminology, but I'm not fond of the implication that votes rightly belong to one of the two major US parties.
Those votes rightly don't belong to two parties, however they do 'steal' and 'spoil' just by the underlying mathematics of how elections are conducted, where every single vote in excess of the winning threshold is 'wasted' (e.g. you can only win so hard). Given both parties always declare a mandate regardless of the actual vote thresholds renders it even more meaningless.

I feel a push for ranked-choice voting nationwide would actually change the underlying dynamics as it would eliminate wasted votes and allow people to vote for the actual candidate that represents their views (if such a candidate actually exists). It would also greatly lessen the practical impacts of Citizen's United.

Between Biden, Trump, and RFK Jr, it would make for an impactful difference between the following rankings:

1) RFK Jr, 2) Biden, 3) Trump
1) RFK Jr 2) Trump, 3) Biden

Rather than a vote that's otherwise 'thrown away'.

I'm sure the founding fathers would be horrified though...
I'm a proud non voter, never in my life I will give consent to any form of government.
I kept all of my voting slips in the original sealed envelopes.

I'll never trow these out, it's evidence of my non consent, a big pile of NO !


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