kHz or KHz

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2009
I thought that "kHz" is the correct abbreviation for frequency but I see some EQs that use "KHz" instead.
So, are they both correct? Am I too picky?  :)
"In English, "hertz" is also used as the plural form. As an SI unit, Hz can be prefixed; commonly used multiples are kHz (kilohertz, 103 Hz), MHz (megahertz, 106 Hz), GHz (gigahertz, 109 Hz) and THz (terahertz, 1012 Hz)

why is it kHZ and MHZ?  :eek:

just depends on your taste, or what year you were born,

old timers probably prefer kilocycles, or KC

what about AC volts?

is it VAC?

i like V-ac,

CJ said:
"In English, "hertz" is also used as the plural form. As an SI unit, Hz can be prefixed; commonly used multiples are kHz (kilohertz, 103 Hz), MHz (megahertz, 106 Hz), GHz (gigahertz, 109 Hz) and THz (terahertz, 1012 Hz)
Hertz is a man's name so the H should be capitalized.
why is it kHZ and MHZ?  :eek:
I am not aware of any difference but I generally use lower case when writing kilo-, while I have seen it both ways.

However m and M are dramatically different Mega- and milli-
just depends on your taste, or what year you were born,

old timers probably prefer kilocycles, or KC
Do you mean kilo cycles per second? or kcps? I prefer Hertz and I am relatively old.
what about AC volts?

is it VAC?

i like V-ac,
Just as long as you are well understood.

Did you buy 5kg or 5KG of potatoes ?
Did you drive 150km or 150KM ?

I'd prefer kg and km....  and kHz.
Mega (M), Giga (G), Tera (T), and everything "above" is written in upper case letters.
Kilo (k), Milli (m), Mikro (µ) , and everything "below" is written in lower case letters.

But it often can been seen on technical frontpanels, that consistently everything is written in upper case letters.

...markus :)
In general terms I prefer positive scientific notations in upper case and negative in lower case, but k feels better in lower for me, it's a bit of a contradiction, the logic indicates upper case, but I'm used to the lower case version so I use that. If it would be used in upper case I would be fine, but I think it's more used in lower.

I vote for lower case k (even with hertz, ohms or farads  :eek:)

I vote for KCPS.

I'm not ready to go back to "10M" = 10,000 (as seen on older WE drawings).
PRR said:
I vote for KCPS.

I'm not ready to go back to "10M" = 10,000 (as seen on older WE drawings).

My dad worked at WE back in the day. If you look at really old documents you fine some odd nomenclature. For example, microphones used to be called "transmitters". I guess it makes sense from the perspective of the microphone sending an electrical signal, but took a while to figure out.

I read somewhere that "K" is for temperature (Kelvin) while "k" is for kilo, which makes sense to me.
Small k, capital H.

That's it!
anybody in the Service?

14.369 abbrevs here>

or use the short form:

List of Abbreviations
A-1  Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Personnel
A-4  Assistant Chief of Air Staff for Materiel
AAA  Antiaircraft artillery
AAB  Army air base
AACS  Army Airways Communications Service
AAF  Army Air Forces
ACofAS  Assistant Chief of Air Staff
ACofS  Assistant Chief of Staff
AFHQ  Allied Forces Headquarters (North Africa)
AFPAC  Army Forces in the Pacific
AFWESPAC  Army Forces in the West Pacific
AG  Adjutant general
AGCT  Army General Classification Test
AGD  Adjutant General's Department
AGF  Army Ground Forces
AGO  Adjutant General's Office
AMET  Africa-Middle East Theater
ANC  Army Nurse Corps
AR  Army Regulations
ASC  Air Service Command
ASF  Army Service Forces
Asgmt  Assignment
ASTP  Army Specialized Training Program
ASW  Assistant Secretary of War
ATC  Air Transport Command
ATS  Auxiliary Territorial Service
AUS  Army of the United States
AWS  Aircraft Warning Service
AWVS  American Women's Volunteer Services
Bd  Board
Bn  Battalion
CBI  China-Burma-India theater
Cbl  Cablegram
CDD  Certificate of Disability for Discharge
Cen  Center

CFTC  Central Flying Training Command
CG  Commanding General
CIC  Counterintelligence Corps
CID  Criminal Investigation Division
CinC  Commander-in-chief
Cir  Circular
Classif  Classification
CM-IN  Classified Message sent into Pentagon
CM-OUT  Classified Message sent out of Pentagon
CO  Commanding Officer
Co  Company
Cof  Chief of (in combinations)
CofS  Chief of Staff
CofT  Chief of Transportation
Com  Committee
Comd  Command
Comdr  Commander
Comdt  Commandant
Comptr  Comptroller
Conf  Conference
Contl  Control
CSigO  Chief Signal Officer
CT  China Theater
CWS  Chemical Warfare Service
DCofS  Deputy Chief of Staff
Def  Defense
Dep  Deputy
Det  Detachment
D/F  Disposition Form
Dir  Director
Div  Division
DRB AGO  Departmental Records Branch, Adjutant General's Office
EDC  Eastern Defense Command
EFS  Extended Field Service
EM Enlisted men
Engr  Engineer
Enl  Enlisted
Enlmt  Enlistment
ESCTC  Eastern Signal Corps Training Center
ETO  European Theater of Operations
ETOUSA  European Theater of Operations, U.S. Army

EW  Enlisted women
Exec  Executive, executive Officer
FA  Field Artillery
FEAF  Far East Air Forces
FEASC  Far East Air Service Command
Fin  Finance
Fld  Field
G-1  Assistant Chief of Staff for Personnel
G-2  Assistant Chief of Staff for Military Intelligence
G-3  Assistant Chief of Staff for Operations and Training
G-4  Assistant Chief of Staff for Supply and Evacuation
Gen  General
GO  General Orders
Gp  Group
GS  General Staff
HD SSLSA  Historical Division, Special Staff, U.S. Army
Hist  Historical
HR  House of Representatives (before bill numbers)
HRPOE  Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation
IBT  India-Burma theater
I&E  Information and Education
IG  Inspector general
IGD  Inspector General's Department
Ind  Indorsement
Insp  Inspection, inspector
Int  Intelligence
Intcrv  Interview
IOS  Intermediate Officer's School
IPD  Industrial Personnel Division
JA  Judge Advocate
JAG  The Judge Advocate General
Leg  Legislative
Ln  Liaison
Ltr  Letter
MAAF  Mediterranean Allied Air Forces
MAT  Mental Alertness Test
MC Medical Corps

MD  Medical Department
MDW  Military District of Washington
Med  Medical
MI  Military Intelligence
MID  Military Intelligence Division
Mil  Military
Min  Minutes
MIS  Military Intelligence Service
MOS  Military Occupational Specialty
MPB  Military Personnel Branch
MPD  Military Personnel Department
M/R  Memo for Record
Msg  Message
MT  Motor Transport
M/T  Manning Tables
MTD  Military Training Division
Mtg  Meeting
MTO  Mediterranean Theater of Operations
MTOUSA  Mediterranean Theater of Operations. U.S. Army
NAACP  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NATO  North African 'cheater of Operations
NATOUSA  North African Theater of Operations, U.S. Army
NCAC  National Civilian Advisory Council
NYPOE  New York Port of Embarkation
O  Office (in combinations)
1st O, 2d O, 3d O  First Officer. Second Officer, Third Officer
OC  Officer Candidate
OCMH  Office of the Chief of Military History
OCofOrd  Office, Chief of Ordnance
OCofS  Office, Chief of Staff
OCS  Officer Candidate School
OCSigO  Office, Chief Signal Officer
Off  Officer
OPD  Operations and Planning Division, War Department General Staff
Opn(s)  Operation (s)
OQMG  Office of The Quartermaster General
Ord  Ordnance
Orgn  Organization
OSS  Office of Strategic Services
OTI  Office of Technical Information

OWI  Office of War Information
OWM  Office of War Manpower
P&A  Personnel and Administration
Par  Paragraph
Pers  Personnel
PL  Public Law
Plng  Planning
PM  Provost marshal
PMG  Provost Marshal General
POE  Port of Embarkation
PRO  Public Relations Officer
Proj  Project
QM  Quartermaster
QMC  Quartermaster Corps
QMG  The Quartermaster General
Rctg  Recruiting
Rec  Record
Reg  Regulation
Rep  Representative
Repl  Replacement
Reqmt  Requirement
R&I  Recruiting and Induction
RPB  Recruiting Publicity Bureau
S  Senate (before bill numbers)
Sch  School
SEAC  Southeast Asia Command
Sec  Section
Serv  Service
SFPOE  San Francisco Port of Embarkation
SG  Surgeon General
SGO  Surgeon General's Office
SHAEF  Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force
SigC  Signal Corps
SigO  Signal Officer
SN  Secretary of the Navy
SO  Special Order
SOS  Services of Supply
Sp  Special
SPARS  Women's service in the U.S. Coast Guard
SPD  Special Planning Division

SPOBS  Special Observer Group (American Mission in Britain)
SS  Selective Service
SSN  Specification Serial Number
SSUSA  Special Staff, U.S. Army
Stat  Statistical
Stf  Staff
Sub  Subject
Surv  Survey
Svc  Service Command
SW  Secretary of War
SWPA  Southwest Pacific Area
Tab  Table
TAG  The Adjutant General
TC  Transportation Corps
T/E  Table of Equipment
Tech  Technical
Telg  Telegram
TIC  The Inspector General
Tng  Training
T/O  Table of Organization
Tp  Telephone
USAF  U.S. Air Forces
USAFBI  U.S. Army Forces in the British Isles
USAFFE  U.S. Army Forces in the Far East
USAFI  U.S. Armed Forces Institute
USAFIME  U.S. Army Forces in the Middle East
USAFPAC  U.S. Army Forces, Pacific
USAFWESPAC  U.S. Army Forces, West Pacific
USASOS  U.S. Army Services of Supply (Southwest Pacific)
USFCT  U.S. Forces, China Theater
USFET  U.S. Forces, European Theater Redesignation of ETOUSA after 1 Jul 45.
USMA U.S.  Military Academy
USN  U.S. Navy
USO  United Service Organizations
USSTAF  U.S. Strategic Air Forces (in Europe)
VA  Veterans' Administration
WAAC  Women's Army Auxiliary Corps
Waac  A member of the WAAC
WAAF  Women's Army Auxiliary Force (proposed name for WAAC)

WAAF  Women's Auxiliary Air Force (British)
WAC  Women's Army Corps
Wac  A member of the WAC
WAF  Women in the Air Force
WASP  Women Air Service Pilots
WAVES  Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (the women's service in the U.S. Navy)
Wave  A member of the WAVES
WCT  Women's Classification Test
WD  War Department
WDBPR  War Department Bureau of Public Relations
WDC  Western Defense Command
WDGS  War Department General Staff
WFTC  Western Flying Training Command
WIRES  Women in Radio and Electrical Service
WMC  War Manpower Commission
WO  Warrant Officer
WPD  War Plans Division, of the War Department General Staff
ZI  Zone of Interior
Well I was in the army and that (short) list of abbreviations is incomplete.

My all time favorite was FTA, another favorite was SNAFU, F seems to be a widely used letter.

> microphones used to be called "transmitters".

That's old telephone jargon. From days when microphones and earpieces were the only fancy bits in what became electronics.
One of my Olde Fave terms that I recall came from an ancient physics textbook I ran across decades ago: 

Voltaic Pile (which the ancient textbook explained was " called a battery...").

To me, a Voltaic Pile is that stash of Ray-O-Vac AAA/AA/C/D/9V items in my kitchen drawer....  <g>.

Bri  (who also calls that Large White Appliance in the kitchen the Ice Box!)

warpie said:
I read somewhere that "K" is for temperature (Kelvin) while "k" is for kilo, which makes sense to me.

And a pedantic note: when discussing absolute temperature, you just say "293 kelvins," or "293 K." not "Degrees Kelvin" or the like. That's because the Kelvin is an SI unit, and that's how they do it with SI units.
Good point Andy

And of course Kelvin is an absolute scale, whereas the degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius are relative to some arbitrary points.

BTW did you know that the Fahrenheit scale was referenced to a cows bottom? Seriously.
