Solfeggio ? Anyone

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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2004
DO others here  [at GroupDIY] listen to the Solfeggio'  tracks that one can find on the interwebs ?  I have many different types that I have listened to.

Some claim these Solfeggio  to have miraculous healing capabilities, but mostly I like to listen to them while I 'work' or to 'drown out ambient noise' from the environment [both internal and external].

I have some really interesting multi-tone ones that literally drone on for hours.

It does seem to me that I can really concentrate well when this is the main sound 'in my head'.

Could be when reading, or writing or working  and definitely when wanting to sleep. 


After so many years of the 'band scene in local pubs]  when I was younger  ..  as well as  'engineering environments' where there is frequently quite a lot of auditory 'ruckus' going on, I have a kind of 'tinnitus' that is 'in my head'  *as well as*  the actual ringing in my ears ...  which is both the 'low type'  and various tones in the 'high type'.

I find the 'Solfeggio' really does help me to 'retrain' my perception.

That and my 35dB 'hearing protection'  headphones  :)

I highly recommend the Solfeggio  ..  for 'home self auditory' training  ..  on a budget.