Tascam Dsub DB25 pinout vs Yamaha DB25 pinout?

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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2009
Hi, I can't seem to find confirmation on this, but from what I found, there are two versions for the Tascam DB25 pinout. Audio cables version(8 ins or 8 outs) and the AES/EBU version(4 in and 4 outs).

Yamaha seems to only have one version which is the AES version which is 4ins and 4outs, with the grounding part that does not make sense to me.

I noticed units like the Lynx Aurora uses Yamaha pinout for their DB25 connectors for both the Analogue and AES/EBU DB25 ports. Does that mean that both ports use the Yamaha AES version wiring unlike the Tascam. Is there a standard though for which pins of the Yamaha AES pinouts would be used for each channel in an 8 channel ins/outs cable?

Thank you.
One thing to keep in mind is that AES/EBU contains TWO digital audio channels per connection. So those "4in/4out" are 4 AES/EBU signals, so 8 audio channels all in all, in each direction.

Can't comment on whether the pinouts happen to match or not, between the analog (Tascam?) and the digital (AES/EBU), though. Best bet might be to track down some schematic or service manual for gear that uses said connections.

i didn’t know there was an analog Yamaha pinout.

The analog I/O on my Lynx Aurora seems to work just fine assuming Tascam pinout?

I don’t have the AES/EBU DB25s connected.
The Yamaha pinout is weird. All the earths are at one end from memory & there are not enough earth pins because there aren't 8 audio common points. If it looks weird that is because it is.

There is also a Harrison pin out which is a bit similar to the TAscam in that the single cores are in triangles but it starts at Pin 1 with core one and from memory is ground hot cold.

Then you have the Euphonix AES pin out that is different to the Tascam one. Found that out the hard way ...............
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I remember from years ago when i was doing lots of wiring that Sony also had a different pinout from Tascam
@ubxf, I thought the Sony and Yamaha were in the same family?

@soapfoot, I stand corrected, the Aurora manual actually states that the analogue input/outputs are Tascam. So it must be that the Yamaha cables are only used for digital DB25 connections?
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