gemini86 said:
just popping in to ask,since I might be under false understanding...
isn't the 35V rating for i/o difference, and not just total input dc? I've used 317 for 48v a couple times with no fire...
True for the LM317/337. The answer was related to the 78xx/79xx where the abs.max. input voltage (not i/o differential) must not exceed 35V for the up to 15V regulators or 40V for the 18V, 20V or 24V regulators.
The catch with the abs.max.40V i/o differential for the LM317 is when -for the more common failure- a balanced mic cable gets shorted to phantom reference voltage and the often underrated 6K81 phantom feeding resistors fail short or open. As these don't fail simultaneously, pic your poison whether a blown phantom voltage rail or a blown mic input stage without clamps, that for a moment sees a 48V differential instead of common mode, now is the bigger evil. After you replaced the broken mic cable, the LM317 when failed short now feeds the raw pre regulator DC voltage to your mic that might not like this. Same max.i/o exceeding failure mode could be caused at startup as well, depending on capacitance of uncharged caps behind your regulator. A zener clamp across the regulators i/o in parallel to the protection diode should catch this for a short period of time. A LM317-HV type (max.i/o 60V) would have a better chance to survive. A TL783 (max.i/o 125V) still seems the safer bet. YMMV.