Open Source PCBs

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Norfolk - UK
Some of my PCB designs have been or are due to be retired. My circuit designs have always been open source in the sense that individuals are free to build the circuits themselves provided it is for their personal use only. Quite a few people have built point to point versions of my tube designs which is fine by me.

Some time ago I retired the Universal EQ and made the Gerber files for the PCB available as open source subject to the same conditions as above. I have now retired the poor man's tube gain  make up (PMTGMU), buffer (BUFFER) and 3U Helios (3UHELIOS) PCBs and I will be releasing the Gerber files for these in the near future as open source.

I will be running down stocks of other PCBs in the EZTubeMixer series because they will be replaced by the new Mark III versions. These PCBs also will then be released as open source.

I will post here with further details later.


Sweet!  Thanks so much for making them available.

Just the links alone are extremely informative.  Wish I'd found all this 20 years ago!

I raise a frothing pint in your general direction!
Tremendous work Ian ,

You should have jumped ship from industry years ago and ploughed your own furrow .
The two options here during my time in (mis)education were pharma(government sponsored drug dealers) instrumentation, or electronics for the weapons industry .I'll always remember my tech drawing teachers words and they must have been born out of personal experience, 'Dont ever work for the military'
I avoided anything with even the vaguest whiff of 'institution' like the plague and in retrospect it was a solid choice if not financially then at least from a personal well being point of view .

Im still waiting to hear some recordings from the 'Bell modules' ,if you could point me in the right direction that would be great.
Doesnt have to be anything fancy either ,in fact just a solo artist with voice and guitar I often find to  be a better way to judge quality.

So, big thanks once again for open spirited way you've shared a lifetimes knowledge .
Tubetec said:
Im still waiting to hear some recordings from the 'Bell modules' ,if you could point me in the right direction that would be great.
Doesnt have to be anything fancy either ,in fact just a solo artist with voice and guitar I often find to  be a better way to judge quality.

Copyright reasons make it difficult to just post links to recordings here.  Here is a link to a short recording made by Pierre when he was building his ETubeMixer:

If you email me I can let you have access to other some samples for personal use only.


Thanks Ian,
Very impressive on vocals ,a bit like the old motown sound but without the tape sat and noise ,sounds very natural and neutral compared to modern mixers ,you just know instinctively by the sound that it hasnt been bounced around, processed ,squished and squashed and spat back out like most pop stuff is nowadays . Ive always been a big fan of the natural sound as opposed to the
fizzly warbletone (harmoniser) vocal thing that seems manditory on pop records nowadays . I hold Cher responsible for inventing that with the 'do you believe single' from '98.

Dont worry ,I'll keep that link strictly for personal use ,
Thanks once again.
Please find attached the Gerber files for the Poor Man's Tube Gain Make Up Amplifier (PMTGMU). These files are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International  (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license:

The file has a .txt extension but it is a zip file so you will need to change the extension to .zip to open it.




  • PMTGMU.txt
    20.7 KB · Views: 30
Please find attached the Gerber files for the 3U Helios PCB. These files are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International  (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license:

The file has a .txt extension but it is a zip file so you will need to change the extension to .zip to open it.




  • 3UHeliosEQ.txt
    32.3 KB · Views: 29
I'm constantly making little utility boards and other handy things, happy to share as well on the open source basis. Is there a general repository site recommended, or can we start some kind of new category on here?
NOON said:
I'm constantly making little utility boards and other handy things, happy to share as well on the open source basis. Is there a general repository site recommended, or can we start some kind of new category on here?

I have looked at one or two other open source hardware projects and some seem to be hosted at github even though that is primarily intended for software. CERN has its oen open source hardware repository but its lcience allows quantity manufacture. Other than that I don't know.


There's bunches of general circuit sharing sites around, but nothing I've come across that's very 'audio' and nothing as concentrated as here. Is it possible to set up another sub-forum like the documentation one where we can share handy circuits and PCBs? Moderator?
Please find attached the Gerber files for the HT350 PCB. These files are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International  (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license:

The file has a .txt extension but it is a zip file so you will need to change the extension to .zip to open it.

This is the original HT350 PCB (although the files are labelled CTCHT450) which was designed to produce very low ripple HT supplies for tube mixers.




  • CTCHT450.txt
    32.9 KB · Views: 16
Please find attached the Gerber files for the Phantom supply PCB. These files are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International  (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license:

The file has a .txt extension but it is a zip file so you will need to change the extension to .zip to open it.

This is the PHANTOM PCB that is still for sale in the PCB Emporium but I have not sold any for ages. I have 11 in stock so if anyone wants one they can have them for half price until the stock is exhausted.




  • CTCphantom.txt
    19.4 KB · Views: 18
Please find attached the Gerber files for the ECC99 headphones amp PCB. These files are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International  (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license:

The file has a .txt extension but it is a zip file so you will need to change the extension to .zip to open it.

This design is based on Pete Millets ECC99 design. His has no negative feedback and uses a 12AU7 input stage with the result that its distortion is quite high (1% at 1V rms into 100 ohms). My 'improved' tube headphones amp uses a 12AX7 as the input stage (which produces more gain and a lot less distortion than the 12AU7) and there is about 20dB of NFB which reduces distortion 10-fold. I forget the exact figures but I seem to remember it was about 0.3% at 3V rms into 32 ohms. You can also use a low cost Edcor transformer instead of the rather expensive Sowter.

This was my first tube design to close the NFB loop at dc and is the direct precursor of the Eurochannel mic pre design.




  • ECC99pone.txt
    33.8 KB · Views: 25
Looks like i can't access those download links... 404 - Attachment Not Found

about GitHub, in the past few years i have build alot of synthesizer stuff from opensource project, there's an amazing load of ressources online for that and most people use GitHub. Best thing to do is to upload a folder with schems and another with pcb design files like eagle .brd or so...
Let's say i wanna build an 808 ==>  ;)

Let's do that kind of thing ! I could see what it did to the synth/eurorack modular community and it was great, tons of brands and great instruments came out of it.
I have now uploaded  the same Gerber files to my web site. You should find them under the DIY tab in the OpenSourcePCBs folder along with the details of the license under which they are released.


Now I have sold all the stock of the Lorlin Pultec EQ PCBs I have uploaded the Gerber files for this design to my web site. It is in the OpenSourcePCBs folder under the DIY tab. Please read the readme.txt file for the licence conditions.



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