Who is America?

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2005
You gotta be kidding. A three year old can't even hold a fork.

NOpe. THey're serious!

desol said:
You gotta be kidding. A three year old can't even hold a fork.

NOpe. THey're serious!


Not surprising. Families no longer sit together at table to eat with knives and forks. They sit in front of the TV/computer/tablet/phone with food on their laps and pick at it with their fingers.

My daughter works at a primary school. Many of the kids have zero table manners, an inability to control their bodily functions or recognise the need to go to the toilet. Some even come to school still in nappies (diapers).


Desol, we got to know him from this:-


ruffrecords said:
Not surprising. Families no longer sit together at table to eat with knives and forks. They sit in front of the TV/computer/tablet/phone with food on their laps and pick at it with their fingers.

My daughter works at a primary school. Many of the kids have zero table manners, an inability to control their bodily functions or recognise the need to go to the toilet. Some even come to school still in nappies (diapers).



Interesting Ian. Of course you do realize, I wasn't exactly speaking about table manners. :)
DaveP said:
Desol, we got to know him from this:-



I admit, some of his stuff(from the past) has been a bit too racy for me....but this, this is just....too good! It's great!

Let's really show everyone exactly how crazy these people really are. It's just unbelievable.

Sounds like Sarah Palin took it the worst(I haven't seen her skit).
SBC was always a master of political satire ,He tends always to underplay himself by portraying this 'buttheaded' type character,he really catches out the gun nuts and politicians  ,I suspect its often only when the program goes to air that the prank victim becomes aware they've been duped upto the eyeballs and made look like a complete spanner  ;D

I dont think he's going to be allowed anywhere near King Donny without staring down the barrel of the service personel ,but maybe he could team up with Spitting images new 'Trumpuppet' in which case he'd be able to take things way further than in person with the President .
It would be a bit like holding up a mirror to the emperor with no clothes ,and the whole crowd laughs at him when he realises he's made a fool of himself  :D
desol said:
Interesting Ian. Of course you do realize, I wasn't exactly speaking about table manners. :)

No, I took you literally. Unless we are watching the same movie (to paraphrase another thread) you need to be unambiguous.


ruffrecords said:
No, I took you literally. Unless we are watching the same movie (to paraphrase another thread) you need to be unambiguous.


I'm horribly confused.  Desol literally posted a link to a video....:)
The problem with these types of movies is they edit it to form a view vs present it all so you can form a view. If there really is that many idiots out there,  lord help us.
Matador said:
I'm horribly confused.  Desol literally posted a link to a video....:)

Exactly. The other thread is about how different people perceiving the same thing see it differently - the two movies.

I read his text and thought I understood what he meant. I generally do not wish to spend the time looking at other folk's choice of movie so I did not click the link thinking it would only complement what his words said. Turns out he was being obtuse and the movie link was the real topic.

I must admit to taking a slightly perverse pleasure in deliberately replying as ambiguously as his original post.


ruffrecords said:
Exactly. The other thread is about how different people perceiving the same thing see it differently - the two movies.

I read his text and thought I understood what he meant. I generally do not wish to spend the time looking at other folk's choice of movie so I did not click the link thinking it would only complement what his words said. Turns out he was being obtuse and the movie link was the real topic.

I must admit to taking a slightly perverse pleasure in deliberately replying as ambiguously as his original post.



The link WAS entirely the point Ian, that's why I posted it. It was 'intended' to be watched... If you don't want to watch it, then don't! Simple! I have no idea what other thread you're referencing, so I can't comment on it.

If you don't like people putting words into your mouth, please don't force intent into mine as the intent was not meant to be ambiguous.

"I'll have another beer over here luv, thanks!"

OFF TOPIC (I don't really mind if people derail a thread of mine).  ;)
pucho812 said:
The problem with these types of movies is they edit it to form a view vs present it all so you can form a view. If there really is that many idiots out there,  lord help us.

"Ya gotta make 'em just comfortable enough, to say terrible things".

Unsurprisingly, it didn't appear to work on Bernie Sanders!
ruffrecords said:
Exactly. The other thread is about how different people perceiving the same thing see it differently - the two movies.

I read his text and thought I understood what he meant. I generally do not wish to spend the time looking at other folk's choice of movie so I did not click the link thinking it would only complement what his words said. Turns out he was being obtuse and the movie link was the real topic.

I must admit to taking a slightly perverse pleasure in deliberately replying as ambiguously as his original post.


The other thread was straining to make the point that two people can have equally valid views of situations - even when one viewpoint is objectively wrong.  Its equally valid to spell collusion with one L or two //s
And whatever you do, don't admit you were wrong.
Back on topic -
I am not anti-gun and I have a toddler --- these right wingers are just nuts.
dmp said:
The other thread was straining to make the point that two people can have equally valid views of situations - even when one viewpoint is objectively wrong. 
That is not the way I read it which rather proves the point
And whatever you do, don't admit you were wrong.
Why not?
Back on topic -
Without me having to look at the video can someone please tell me in a few what is the topic is?


It used to be that if someone on this forum asked "What is Ohm's Law?", people would encourage them to seek it out!  ;)

'Who is America" is a new(first episode aired last week) controversial 'mockumentary comedy'(although, it's actually quite frightening if you ask me) featuring Sacha Baron Cohen.

References provided.  ::)

If you are unfamiliar with Sacha Baron Cohen, he manipulates selected targets(using makeup and other tactics) into believing that he is sympathetic to their viewpoints, which he subsequently then uses to trick them into revealing their true feelings in regards to various subjects. In this case, it happens to be arming children with handguns and grenades.

I wasn't lucky enough to see the whole episode. I've only seen Youtube snippets, such as the one posted.