Securing transformers to PCB

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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2009
Any thoughts on securing an audio transformer with PCB pins to the pcb? Like an edcor quadfilar type transformer... Are screws necessary  in addition to the solder pins?

Also depends om where and on what size PCB you fit it. Usually you can rely on the solder pins to keep in in place but if you place it in the middle of a big PCB it could  easily vibrate and damage the PCB.


Ok, seems like it’s safer to add holes for mounting. The pcb is vertical so I think that’s working against it. It’s a quadfilar litz wire heavy and and in the middle of a pcb.

Any considerations with the screw? does in need to be nylon or insulated from transformer some how? Thanks!
we shipped out a prototype wattmeter with 6 transformers soldered to the pc board, all six came back with the transformers rattling around inside the enclosure, so if you plan on shipping this as a product, then screws are a must,
CJ said:
we shipped out a prototype wattmeter with 6 transformers soldered to the pc board, all six came back with the transformers rattling around inside the enclosure, so if you plan on shipping this as a product, then screws are a must,

Ha! Yea I’m thinking a couple brass 4-40 should provide some peace of mind.
RSRecords said:
Ha! Yea I’m thinking a couple brass 4-40 should provide some peace of mind.
Don't miss the standoffs in between transformer and pcb, else this might flex/damage the pcb ...
Would standoffs need to be brass as well. Actually is brass the best idea? My research so far has lead me to believe "it doesn't matter unless it matters".
RSRecords said:
Would standoffs need to be brass as well. Actually is brass the best idea? My research so far has lead me to believe "it doesn't matter unless it matters".
It definitely needs to be non-magnetic and the screws too.

