Maybe the full on headbag with eye holes is a plan for shopping trips from now on ,something a bit less controversial the KKK garb is probably best though.
Harvesting of biometric facial data is becoming all the rage now in supermarkets banks and residential blocks ,
Insight Cameras website vanished off the face of the internet recently ,the URL was coming up on search until yesterday ,but the link was broken , today its gone completely .
France did at one point outlaw the wearing of Muslim female head gear in public in order that facial recognition software was effective , I wonder how the wearing of face masks fit in under the laws there now.
Id find the shopping trolley (cart) covered in advertising lcd screens very objectionable , is that normal now at US stores now?
Id be voicing my objection to those kinds of technologies by accidentally (on purpose) dinging the screens on any edge I found at the appropriate height .
I recently complained bitterly to advertising standards here , two NGO/charities had some very very unpleasent adds on national tv , one showing poor black children apparently running for their lives with an implication of them being hunted by crocadiles in the jungle . The moment my complaint went in the adds were rescinded , took a few days to get a call back from the office , upon which I demanded to know the name ,address and number of the company who produced these vile images . Of course the ASAI (advertising standards asscociation of Ireland ) guy (himself more than likely an Ad Exec)said giving out the details of the company involved in making these commercials wasn't part of their remit. It really is about time governments put an end to the pernicious and underhanded forms of targeted and fear based advertising ,especially as pointed out by Squarewave that people are already very vulnerable due to all thats going on in the world at the moment.