24V HVAC transformer for 1290 Build?

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Well-known member
May 7, 2009
I don't have a ton of spare cash for the psu. What are the current requirements on a 1290 build and would it be possible to use an HVAC or door  bell 24 volt transformer?

If not is there another cheap way to go?
I ended up using a doorbell transformer I had laying around (16VAC and 10VA) and it's working great to power the Neve. I also posted it in this thread:

Lol, I should post some pictures of all the 24V HVAC transformers I have stashed away. My day job is as an HVAC technician, so at one point I had four 5 gallon buckets of those Trannies I salvaged from furnace and boiler replacements. I whittled it down to about one bucket and the rest went to a scrapyard and payed for a few patchbays. Most of the ones I see are 40VA (at least the ones I save), I have big plans for them; phantom power, +/-24 volt rails...you name it.

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