What would be a GREAT idea IMO would be a generic DIY modular rack system - by that I mean all the mechanicals sorted but the ability to tailor internal connectivity and PSU for solid-state or tube designs.
I get pretty frustrated by all the 500 series adopters when I wish someone would have done a format that was physically larger (deeper) and had better power and I/O.
I asked Audient about 3rd party modules for the Black and they mentioned it may be a future area of interest but I couldn't blag pin-outs yet. I have a friend who works there - I demo'd the black rack too. Pretty nice overall. 40-pin IDC connector I believe. PSU is limited to +/-18V and it's external and will only power one rack.
I've said quite often that someone was coming with a better system that would also be 500 series compatible - that someone was Seventh Circle - however I have seen little mention from Tim over the last year and have almost given up on him getting it out there any time soon.
So here was his prelim spec (sorry Tim if you didn't want me to post this):
8 modules plus power supply in a 19" rack
3U front panel height
1U module width (enough for large output transformers but can be rack mounted horizontally)
Accommodate 500 series modules (with adapter card)
Backplane fits standard Vector prototyping chassis
High voltage analog supply rails (+/-30v, +60v)
Separate relay and logic supply rails (+5v, +12v)
4 balanced analog I/O per module
2 balanced digital I/O per module (for ethernet or firewire)
I2C on backplane for automation and control
Balanced bussing for L, R, and at least 8 aux busses
After considering a lot of alternatives, I've settled on a 60 position PCI card-edge connector. It's compact, inexpensive, rugged, easy to buy, multi-sourced, has enough pins, and makes backplane routing easy.
Module depth will be 220mm, not including the card-edge fingers. Lots of options for card guides and related hardware.
It would still need DC-DC for H.V tubes...
I've been trying to sort out a modular system too. But minus a backplane, just a modular system with modular I/O on rear panel...each module requires a front and rear panel. Power and bussing etc could be cable wired...maybe internal or external PSU. However, a backplane would be the most flexible so long as I/O can be changed to accomodate DB25s or XLRs etc.
I wanted to fit it in a standard VERO/Schroff sub-rack but what if someone were to provide a DIY solution? Purusha?
If one could get L-brackets for modules and a sub-rack system made to suit DIY - we could all have a development platform always available.
A choice of high voltage external PSU for valve designs or internal low voltage DC supply for solid state??
I love the idea of a standard development platform for GroupDIY. Tube or not.
We should get on this before someone else does.
He's my 6U idea for the Calrec1061 re-do I'm still working on