8 500 Modules Switch

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Jun 3, 2012
Hi people,

Im new in this forum and a want to say hello to all.

Im making my own rack and pcb of 8 51x modules and im thinking if is interesting to put switches for each module to power on/off.
As a beginer I will be glad of your comments.

And in the othe hand I dont know what toroidal (va) i will need to feed it with a jlm powerstation..

Thanks to all

Save the planet from idle current? I'd do switches if only couple of the units were in use all the time and the rest sometimes ( one man production ). But, there is no point if it takes many years of idlecurrent to overcome cost of the switches?
I think i will use one or two at time. But i supose that the consume of the unused rack is not important and the unused racks dont make any interfrence.

It posible I made a stupid question, thats why im a beginer :)

At last for the power supply I have a 2X24 160va toroidal, thats enough for 8 modules?

Sorry for my english and thanks for your answers.
If I'm right it's enoght current for 20 modules... Use a big heat sink if you will drop all this voltage with an LM338... I will  have the same Issue than you soon...

Piscolabis said:
At last for the power supply I have a 2X24 160va toroidal, thats enough for 8 modules?

Sorry for my english and thanks for your answers.
Hello Piscolabis,
welcome to the forum.

You can calculate this yourself,Joe at JLM made an excellent psu calculator for us,look here:


I have done a quick calculation for you at full API or 51x specs.These say max. current for the four main voltages is 130mA per rail and per module,so 1,04 amps each rail for 8 modules.Phantom was about 125 mAs or so.
Results are 143,48 Watts for a 2 x 24vac transformer,C/W is 4,58.
So yes,a 160 va transformer will fit!
Also you'll never reach these currents since most of the modules either run on the 24vdc or 16 vdc rails,only a few use both,only mic pres use the phantom power.And don't forget nearly none of the modules will run at fully specified currents.
All in all I'd say it is easy to run two complete racks of 8 modules from this psu.
Don't forget a good and big heatsink for the regulators!

Hope to have helped so far,


Udo ;)