Hmmm... Once again, I recall the time worn query: Is it the engine or the engineer?
Perhaps a case of G I G O ?
When all else fails, blame your equipment. (Ignoring Gradpa's adage: "It is a poor workman who complains of his tools"
Case in point: I would be a virtuoso bluegrass guitar picker on the Grand Ol' Opry, except my super expensive special edition custom built Martin HD28v guitar holds me back. Similarly, I would be a first rate lead singer, if I only had a better microphone, [coupled with pitch correction, EQ, noise gate (to block MY voice), compressor, reverb, and all that other jazz] that would make me sound big, bold, and strangely on key.
Concomitantly, I still recommend improving his microphone and voicing technique before shelling out big bucks on a better microphone. N'est ce pas?
/ J /