That's good wire for general use, but you have to be careful on current as well as voltage when choosing wire.
Here's a good chart with current per AWG size to let you know what's safe for what:
Thought I might inquire a bit about choosing wire sizes to see what others think. If anyone thinks I'm making bad choices, point it out so I learn! I tend to choose something double the chassis current rating (and then some for anything) as my minimum gauge.
22 ga should be good for most tasks, though I find it gets a little thick for some tasks, like crimp headers , where I use a 26 or 24 AWG 300V, which is thinner due to the thinner jacket.
So, for example, I use MOSTLY 24AWG 600V in my guitar pedals, though sometime I use 26AWG and never worry about it at all. 9V at 15mA is NOTHING for current.
For the mic pre I just built, I used 300V for the power run because I had to daisy chain headers and anything fatter wouldn't fit the molex header. +/-16V doesn't take much insulation.
For tube amps I always use 600V for everything. Much of it solid core. I use 20 or 22 AWG for mains, 22AWG for heaters, but sometimes use 24awg for signals or preamp tube heaters with lower current draw because it's easier to stick two solid core wires through the socket hole or an eyelet on a pot.