A small gift for fellow Morricone fans:

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k brown

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2021
After being quite moved by TCM's recent airing of "Ennio", the 2021 documantary by Giuseppe Tornatore, I recalled a little project I did many years ago, re-sequencing the 'Film Music Vol.II' CD from 1988.

The sequence of tracks on that CD always disturbed me; no emotional or musical 'flow' at all - the tracks seemed to be thrown onto the master totally at random. So I set about putting them in a sequence that has an emotional arc from quietude, to sunny, to gradually growing intensity, then quiet resolution, and finally an 'optimistic' closing.

Here it is, in one, just over 60 minute, 'suite' of fabulous Morricone music. Dim the lights, sit back and soak it in.



The original tracks are rather bright in tone; the CD I made for myself was EQ'd down a bit. The track here is right off the CD, so you can EQ to your own taste.
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that has an emotional arc from quietude, to sunny, to gradually growing intensity, then quiet resolution, and finally an 'optimistic' closing.

Thanks! Needless to say that the amount/width of moods that his compositions had remains amazing.

Interesting as well that a composer bringing all those many beautiful 'easy to digest' melodies
also had this well developed 'other side'. (I figure this here will have played a role here as well.)

This 2CD set (which many of you will know) a great introduction to those more 'uneasy listening' compositions & sounds:
EM - Crime And Dissonance (2005)
I just added to the folder another thing I did years ago - all the music from Once Upon A Time in the West, taken from the movie itself (not a soundtrack album), edited together with seamless transitions, so it plays as one continuous musical 'picture'.
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