we can then narrow it down to some ideas on input only,
size: vary the size of the transformer-Beyer to UTC Large Can series
a)vary the material-Superpermalloy, 50/50 (radiometal), 4% Si Grain Orient
b)vary the shape= C core, E-I, ribbon...
earliest: Western Electric 111C
low mid:UTC black series 600:600 Keyon signal eater series-black can
upper mid:triad hs 600:600 or UTC Gray series
new: Jensen/Sowter/Lundah/Tab-Funkenwerk/Insert your favorite brand here
grab a bunch of samples, 1 from each category,
then line them up on a tag strip with wafer switch 12 POS stackhouse wafer switch
(the stackhouse does not have a stop, therefore you will never know which xfmr you are hearing, good for blind testing,
just spin the bottle and strap on the phones...
i mean stackpole.
stackhouse was a stella player.
you Must use the blue torquoise style,
other colors do not have the same midrange.
besides, it matches the headers on the Triad HS series used in the 670.