So, I've had multiple AEA active ribbon mics crap out - very noisy, crackly - over the past few years. But there's a twist: they've ONLY died when using them with API 212Ls: the ones built in to our console AND the ones in a 200 rack in my home studio.
I'm wondering if anyone else has had issues with this particular combination. AEA have been great about fixing these at no cost, but I have a hard time believing the crapping-out of three active ribbons - ONLY when used with these particular mic pres - is a coincidence.
Would love to get to the bottom of this. Is it related to the L200 power supply design? Anyone out there have a similar experience?
I'm wondering if anyone else has had issues with this particular combination. AEA have been great about fixing these at no cost, but I have a hard time believing the crapping-out of three active ribbons - ONLY when used with these particular mic pres - is a coincidence.
Would love to get to the bottom of this. Is it related to the L200 power supply design? Anyone out there have a similar experience?