After 40+ years work, maybe the corner is only 19 years away?

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2010
Maine USA
Fusion power is just around the corner, 20 years away. It has been 20 years away all my life. 

(It came up in the depth of the Cold War, H-bomb theory, first in secret, then remarkably the USSR and US and everybody interested agreed to cooperate and share results.)

These guys say they have a better (easier and cleaner) way (and are inviting investors...).

Make a pellet of Hydrogen and Boron 11. Shine one HIGH power laser to prime, then another HIGH power laser to detonate. Avalanche of alpha particles. These are Helium nuclei, two protons, and they suggest this *directly* makes electric flow (no turbine or dynamo).

I doubt anybody here can show them wrong. Be fun if it works.
BS. If they had done it, they would have jumped up and said so. Instead you have spectacular language like:

"Indeed, says Hora, experiments and simulations on the laser-triggered chain reaction are returning reaction rates a billion times higher than predicted. This cascading avalanche of reactions is an essential step toward the ultimate goal: reaping far more energy from the reaction than you put in. The extraordinary early results lead HB11 to believe the company "stands a high chance of reaching the goal of net energy gain well ahead of other groups.""

What's with the 3rd person POV? Is this a "journalist" or back-slapping contest?

And why the focus on benefits? Of course it would be great. If it worked, they wouldn't need to make a brochure.
"First milestone is demonstrating the reactions, which should be easy."
So this thing is entirely conceptual ATM?
Announcing 10+ years for concrete results guarantees them with a secure future...
JohnRoberts said:
Just like better battery technology has been right around the corner (for decades), I stopped holding my breath a while ago.

You can buy Graphene batteries on Ali Express now. Haven't had my greasy paws on them yet.
On AliExpress, you can buy expensive metal detectors that work from far range, and that will detect gems and even diamonds as well  ::)

Back on topic, I also really hope that they'll get the horizon closer eventually, that the whole fusion thing is not just a stalling operation keeping money out of some other area like it sometimes seems..

/Jakob E.
I pity the fools who are parted from their cash thinking there getting what those dectectors advertise.

If you look further down the same page you find exactly the same detector for 200 or so dollars  ;D