AI3 Mod

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Well-known member
White Market Member
Jan 20, 2008
Minneapolis, MN
Does anyone have a schematic for an AI3. I am wondering about beefing up the power supply and decoupling the converters.  I know BLA does it but I could do it in a day instead of the 2 weeks of downtime I need to send it to them and get it returned.  That is what I can't handle.  I have had them do the first stage a few years ago with the converter upgrade but now I have heard about cleaning up the power.  Seems like a good weekend job.
Can you believe i have had a AI3 for almost 7 years and never used it either turned it ON??
PS: you work at Risen Drums? really cool... Lester Estelle formerly of Pillar was the one i saw using RD.
yeah, Keith and I own Risen. 

Lester is amazing!  He now plays with Neal McCoy.  He really enjoys the gig.  Neal is a cool guy.  You should see Lester's brother Brandon play as well.  It runs in the family.  They are both really great players and sweet guys.

The AI3 sounds really good after the first upgrade from BLA.  In your case, it would be worth giving the mod a try or send it into BLA since time isn't an issue for you.  Haha

I have an Sig 002 and a sparrow from BLA.  I do like what they do.  It's just it takes a while to get into a time slot.  So, I figured 10 bucks in caps and a few hours I could do it my self.  Just need to figure it out. 

  whilst I don't doubt that this unit is better after $420, it sounds pretty good to start with. I use mine as is, though not so much these days, as nearly every project is 96k.

    $420 . . . . . that is more that 4 times what I paid for it . . . . . .


yeah, i got mine for 50 bucks on ebay.  Then I had BLA do the first  version of the mod and now i'm think it may be worth looking at the power stuff.  I have less then 250 in mine.  Not bad for extra channels!