Ok so after reading the whole thread , i got mine working , the only differences were on V4 where i got
pin 5 ( r34 ) 92 volts
pin 6 ( r35 ) 122 volts
Still the same readings but its working
Hey Greg read this !
on page 53 AnalogPackrat quote:
"""" This is the older config with R34 = 22k and R36 = 1k, right? You're not using C13 and R38 which were added in a later rev, right? Recheck R34 and R36 as well as R35. Something isn't right with the wiring around V4.
BTW, I built the newer config with the extra stuff on the screen grid of V4 and 10k R34, 470R R36 """"
On page 54
"""" He also accidentally had a combo of old and new circtuitry around the 6AQ5. Now he's back to the old version with no R38 or C13 (his choice).
Paul has also taken the cover off of his T4B with the unit in place and the power on. Shining a light into the thing made his meter (in GR mode) move much more than his input signal would even with max peak reduction setting. Maybe you're right and he's just got too weak of a signal. """"
if you using the bloo manual as I we are using the old circuitry where
C13 and R38 is'nt used .
So be sure also that youre feeding a hotter signal , and it will move.
Also check your wiring on the rotary ( i've redone it like 4 times ) , and then discovered that my signal was weak so my needle wasn't moving
thank's to AP , Dissonant String , Paul B , CJ :thumb: