Amateur TV?

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
I got a whole bunch of QST mags from a local university & have been going through them/selling them off. An article from 1975 caught my attention. It was about Amateur Television (ATV for short)--apparently people would televise in the 420 MHz band. Not surprisingly, it was big in SoCal. The article was more of a how-to than anything, but I was wondering if anyone here had any experience or knowledge of this.

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Here in Portugal there was some local Amateur TV emission, normally they would just work in a very limited physical coverage, and normally the authorities would shut them down really fast.

But that was 30 years ago when there were only 2 channels in the Portuguese TV,  Nowadays with 400 channels of cable TV plus Internet I guess it's not "sexy" anymore to do your own illegal amateur TV.

And besides, new sets might not have an analogue tuner any more... I have seen a DVB-S transmitter project on - seach for 'DVB'... might be easier in the end. I believe this technology (Local broadcasts) has been made obsolete with the advent of youtube and the like.

- Michael
AFAIK Amateur TV is a recognised subset of Amateur Radio. In the UK it used to be called slow scan and people mostly just transmitted a test card. I was talking to a local radio amateur recently and he said there are no lots of digital modes available to amateurs.


Slow scan was at a lower frequency and much more limited in what you could do with it.  I'm mostly curious about how people used ATV--was it mostly shots of guy talking on their ham radios, or was there some more creative programming going on?  It's a weird little thing I knew nothing about until just recently, & it's piqued my curiosity a bit.