the 350 also had an external power supply while the 351 had an internal supply. Everyone has their own taste but I got a stack of 351's for nothing years ago and dont think they are very good pre's for free. For what people are paying for them now and if you have to have a tube pre I would think you'd be so much better off for instance, doing the rca kit on the k&k audio site or something like that. If you stick witht he 350/351, there is a selenium rectifier which you should change. Its also wise to install a switch for the meter, there are rare times when you can have the meter on and its a nice expensive meter that you dont want pegged the whole time. Compltely defeat the bias circuit. for the work you have to put into these to get them really up to speed its jst really bizarre to me that people bother. The whole reason they ever got popular IMO is because they were so cheap and made sense then. By todays prices there are just so many better ways to spend that money. The glassy top of those is sorta cool but gets tiring quick. If you know The Doors "LA Woman" the sound of that record always reminds me of a 351 vibe. No idea if it was mixed on one, but if I was going for that sound, Id try to find a 351 to mix on. Its a real shame that people dont use these as tape machines. The pre is pretty supid, but a rebuilt tape deck would be pretty insane. A friend of mine has a few decks and these things make so much more sense as tape decks. Duh, thats what they were designed for. Try it out and see, you may absolutely love it, it certainly has a vibe. If you are looking at putting lots of money into it, for my dollar, I would suggest there are better ways of spending it.