An Error Has Occurred! The last posting from your IP was less than 90 sec ago.

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2006
An Error Has Occurred!
The last posting from your IP was less than 90 seconds ago. Please try again later.

This is a recent annoyance.  I run into this daily now.  Any failed attempt to post which raises this message appears to restart the 90 second clock.  I can pop off several real answers to questions in less than 90 seconds usually, and I've started not bothering. 
This will be a preset time limit set in the forum software to (try to) prevent bots posting. I'd expect it to be an editable value

Nick Froome
emrr said:
This is a recent annoyance.  I run into this daily now.  Any failed attempt to post which raises this message appears to restart the 90 second clock.  I can pop off several real answers to questions in less than 90 seconds usually, and I've started not bothering.
Here is a previous discussion.

I don't recall if Ethan changed the setting last time or not.

Like I posted back then, I had deleted spams that were only 15 seconds apart.

Ah, missed that discussion.  I knew that's what it was, seems excessively long, but what do I know. 
I've only hit this when I've tried to REPORT two spams in a row, but they were surely by the same spammer anyway.
Earlier today I tried to post an advert in the black market. First I got an error saying the image was to large. So I opened the image, scaled it and saved it as a different name, updated the attachment and reposted. Then I got an error saying I had posted less than 90 seconds ago. So I waited a couple of minutes and reposted it. The I got an error message saying I had already posted this message. I opened another tab and reloaded the black market. My ad was not there. So I made a minor tweak to the the ad and reposted. This time I got an error saying my image did not meet the security requirements!!!


I just tried again and I still get this security message about the picture and it says to contact admin about it.

Now I have posted the text on its own and that is OK. Then I edit it and add an attachment and I get the security error again. I tried scaling the picture to a different size but I still get the same error.



It seems a really long time, I have 5 posts already written, and now I have to wait 10 minutes to post them.

I'm sure it's done for security reasons,  but could the same level of security be achieved with a shorter period?

even if it's 45 seconds and not 1 min and a half will make a huge difference.



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