I have installed Osmond recently and are trying to figure out how to use it properly.
I have tried to start a new design with the basic part list available for download, this does not include any information an how things are supposed to be connected obviously, is this necessary? The connect function does not seem to work if the program is missing information on the connections.
I´ve looked in the reference manual and it seems to suggest that the user have to set this up prior to opening the program by text files that resembles html code or something. :roll:
I have had a look at Designworks and Eagle as well, but I´m using mac os so I have to use x11 to be able to execute Eagle.
I have tried to start a new design with the basic part list available for download, this does not include any information an how things are supposed to be connected obviously, is this necessary? The connect function does not seem to work if the program is missing information on the connections.
I´ve looked in the reference manual and it seems to suggest that the user have to set this up prior to opening the program by text files that resembles html code or something. :roll:
I have had a look at Designworks and Eagle as well, but I´m using mac os so I have to use x11 to be able to execute Eagle.