Apple Highest Obsolescenze Speed ? "W.A.F."

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2005
...Somewhere In The Infinity
Hi everybody ,

just to talk a bit about  the much famous technology company
and its incredible hi speed of obsolescence …
($$$ devourer …)

inquired and condemned too , about

is this acceptable ?
just for example 
how is possible that a not much old version of the  Safari  browser
do not access to many and many web sites  ?

and a bit more  older version of  Firefox surf on them without any issue ?

can we call it "SHAME"  ?
(or worse yet…)
considered  the hi quantity of programmers work on it ,


I have some 20+ up to date Pro Tools Ultimate 2018-10 running on Mac Pros build in  (and running since) 2010 and 2012,
but not one single six or eight years old PC running Windows (they get exchanged every 3 to 5 years) ...

Best investment we have ever done, no single failure, no obsolescence.
[silent:arts] said:
I have some 20+ up to date Pro Tools Ultimate 2018-10 running on Mac Pros build in  (and running since) 2010 and 2012,
but not one single six or eight years old PC running Windows (they get exchanged every 3 to 5 years) ...

Best investment we have ever done, no single failure, no obsolescence.

Hi "God Creator Of Diy"
(what honor ! )

i can partially agree about …..

because with the quantity of money required to  get a single MacPro
it is possible buy  almost 3 PC with good speed i7 processors ,

and if a component dies (like the power supply )
it is possible replace it without exterminate the bank account

but :
i fully agree if the comparison is about old Mac models
Quadra Series :
Have a friend that still have one fully working with 48mb ram , 200mb HD, Logic audio 3, ProTools Nubus

PPC 9600 :
A so true Tank-Workhorse ! (Also with Sonnet or Xelerate cpu upgrade)

G4 Digital Audio Series (i know various guys that still work various days a week with)
and not all but some model of MDD series

The G5 series seem to be the most unreliable model (Cube model market flop apart)
and for not to mention about laptop series disasters  of the last 10-11 years...

things that did not happen with old  powerbook pismo series etc…..
(and first  titanium series)

but the speed acceleration of the obsolescence about the latest years is so unacceptable ,
more on software side ,
where no important investments for hardware research and development is required ,
for keep updated soft tool like a Browser ….. as example


I can't share your opinion about the G5, we have had them in use eight years+ too.

Browser incompatibility is something totally different, there are always issues (and always have been) between different versions, vendors and platforms.
[silent:arts] said:
I can't share your opinion about the G5, we have had them in use eight years+ too.

Browser incompatibility is something totally different, there are always issues (and always have been) between different versions, vendors and platforms.

Happy to know you was lucky with G5  :  )
most if the guys i know , that got a G5 have had so many issues .. (near to desperation level….)  :'(
Happy to know you was lucky with G5  :  )
most if the guys i know , that got a G5 have had so many issues .. (near to desperation level….)  :'(

That's probably the liquid cooled one. That was bad. The 2 GHz dual core one, OTOH doesn't seem to want to die. I've got one running Reaper here.
cyrano said:
That's probably the liquid cooled one. That was bad. The 2 GHz dual core one, OTOH doesn't seem to want to die. I've got one running Reaper here.

probably they was the production series made when Rohs start to change soldering method leadless
not only Apple had not acceptable products quantity failures
Luckily G5 do not " touched " me ….  :)

but this not much concern the software obsolescence side
the most upgradable and less expensive side of electronic
probably they was the production series made when Rohs start to change soldering method leadless
not only Apple had not acceptable products quantity failures
Luckily G5 do not " touched " me ….  :)

Probably a factor too. Just like lots of bad caps around from the year 2000 on. Industrial espionage story between Japan and China.

but this not much concern the software obsolescence side
the most upgradable and less expensive side of electronic

Very true. What happened to "it just works"? And what happened to "true plug and play" now that we've got USB-C?

The new Mac Mini is still somewhat upgradeable, to avoid Apple's extortion prices for ram, but not for storage. Well, could've been worse. But the price hiked +50%, roughly. Can't be from going from portable processors to desktop ones, can it?
Well...but it's such a pleasure to use some of Apple's tech. I bought an Apple MacBook Pro in late 2013. Almost 5 years later it's still going strong. I've only replaced the battery a week ago, and they also replaced the trackpad at the Apple store. Thing works like new.

Just sayin'...