Art - Tube AMP

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2009
UK - Manchester
I have 2 of the Mono valve pres made by ART. see here
They are very good for their money.
My question is this if i wanted to use 2 mono's as 1 stereo, how hard would it be to mod them so their in gain and output pots are linked?
Also I think they use 12V in each, so I assume I could get a torroidal tranny with 2x12 secondarys to power it if I decide to rack it all as one?
Something else thats not so important, could anyone reccomend a different tubes to mod it with? This isnt essential as I like the sound i get from it, althogh I'm not all that clude up with tubs so some of you guys may suggest something else, they currently use a 12ax7a. I assume I may need to change the tubes to a matched pair if im going to link them?

Any advice would be musch appreciated.
imo. I'd put my energy elswhere, ...or throw them in a box and make a stereo pot to feed them(and use their own controls to trim stereo balances ok etc.)
about modding them, there is (or was) BLA-guide pdf, where everything essential is.
and if you do search here, I'll think you find a few topics;)
It is a chip-amp plus a tube flavor stage.

I got a couple of these. I was gonna pre-set the gain for no overload on the loudest signals, and use a ganged pot and buffer between the preamps and the recorders for one-hand level adjustment.

Instead I got two of their TubeChannel, a very lovely box. Fooling around with mods, I found something I liked better..... when I worked out what I had done, I had bypassed the tube. Maybe I spent too many years with tubes to love them for EVERYthing; I also think they work the tube for "Wow!" factor rather than for smoothness. Their better mike-input is BJT+chip, nothing sexy, but IMHO very neutral and smooth. (Our conductor also liked it better than a transformer + BiFET preamp.)

Even then, I pre-set gains (20dB!) and used a pot/buffer for record level adjustment.

No, you don't have to "match" the tubes. Two units bought from the same lot will be matched-enough for any practical purpose; also ART works this tube in a way to minimize tube-to-tube variations.