[quote author="henk"]As i said before , you dont get that many change with the 4590 or 4558 or...... , you should take one that can go to rail to rail like the opa2604.
But then you MUST put the voltage UP to 18V!!!!!!!!
Then these units are great in sound!!! not on 15V but only on 18V!!!!!
You dont have to change the VCA , only the opamps.
I am still waiting for a server to put my pictures on , any one???[/quote]
To be honest, I find it a bit unbelievable that these units are so-so on 15 V but exactly & only on 18V they shine ! Why isn't that magic spot something like 17,82 V but such a neat value as 18 ? :wink:
(Sorry, didn't have my morning-coffee yet)
But rail to rail, especially on 18V, how does that combine with the circuits before & after the compressor ? Can these units handle all this ?
W.r.t. the server, did you try Mendelt ?