Bob Pease presents a SPICE tool!

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2010
Maine USA
Bob Pease presents a SPICE tool!

Analog by Design Show
Hosted by Bob Pease
Low-Noise Amplifier Design and Analysis
Reality TV for analog designers...
In this show:
* See how not to design a noise-amplifying preamplifier
* See how to properly specify a low-noise op amp
* See how to test whether an op amp model includes effects of noise
* See the new WEBENCH Low-Pass Active Filter Evaluation Board
* See how to use MultiSim to compare WEBENCH Simulation results with bench-test results

You have to log-in: the only downside to that is you get a monthly spam email which (for people here) is much more interesting than Russian Wives or V*agra/H**die drug-spam.

The show runs an hour and really wants a fast connection (I may have to wait until after office hours).

Other News: National Semi bought Electronics Workbench, one of the several capture/simulate suites. They are giving away a Free version: "the only restrictions in this version relate to project size (50 components, 750 pins and 2 layers)", but "simulation and autorouting are available to you for a 45-day period". And the idiots don't have upgrade prices on the website.
I am hard-pressed to decide on my favorite picture in Troubleshooting Analog Circuits. It's split between his sequence of hurling a computer off the top of a building, or the picture of the birdcage lined with Spice printouts.
My favorite>


I had to peace the two comp shots together.

