Broken Shure 55SH (series II)

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Nov 30, 2011
Hi guys!

My problem will probably sound very basic to you guys dealing with more advanced projects but I'm just starting out.

I got a modern 55SH Series II that generates no output. How would I go about troubleshooting it? I do have a multimeter. How would I test whether the capsule itself is working or not? I've opened the mic and looked at the wiring and it seems fine to me.

If this is too basic a problem for this board, could you please direct me towards the right resources?

Thanks in advance!
Capsule resistance should be 1 to 500 ohms. It won't be a little wrong; it will be open or short or right.

Shure used to have a good low-price repair service. I have not used it in decades.
kante1603 said:
Another point to look at might be the switch,no?

The on/off switch in the 55 works by shorting the capsule's output.
If the switch was defective, there's 99% chances it would not mute.
Since there are only four things in a 55, the capsule, the switch, the wiring and the connector, I would suggest tugging at the wires to check for broken joints, and then, unfortunately, I think there's a fair "chance" the capsule is duff...
Anyway, that's a good opportunity to mod it by putting a decent capsule in it. I'm not "shure" the Super 55's capsule would fit in a standard 55, but I would give it a try.
O my, how I hate this 55; every time I see one of these rockabilly guys who insist on using it instead of a good mic, and I know I won't have a decent vocal sound.
The Super 55 is ok.
Thanks for the help! I'll be checking each point sometimes next week and report back.

I need to get myself some desoldering braid too. There's a spring that goes through the mic's handle all the way to the XLR plug (it's actually soldered to it) and the capsule wires run through this spring. Strange design... Anyways I'm thinking the friction caused by the spring on the wires may have damaged them.

FWIW, I was at a friend's studio the other day and I was talking about learning electronics and he gave me this mic to fix.  :eek: I suppose it is a good way to learn.

Re:capsule. I've always assumed it was a 58 or 57-type capsule in these mics...

Thanks again for helping with such basic question!
abbey road d enfer said:
The on/off switch in the 55 works by shorting the capsule's output.
If the switch was defective, there's 99% chances it would not mute.

Thanks for clarifying,never opened one because I don´t like the sound either,hahaha...

vp47 said:
Re:capsule. I've always assumed it was a 58 or 57-type capsule in these mics...
No, it's not. It's an older design and it is not as directional as the others. Back-to-front rejection is only 4dB (instead of 20 for a 58), so you have to fight constantly with feedback.
The Super 55 uses a 58-derived capsule, though.
abbey road d enfer said:
vp47 said:
Re:capsule. I've always assumed it was a 58 or 57-type capsule in these mics...
No, it's not. It's an older design and it is not as directional as the others. Back-to-front rejection is only 4dB (instead of 20 for a 58), so you have to fight constantly with feedback.
The Super 55 uses a 58-derived capsule, though.

Well, I checked the wiring, took the switch out the equation, checked the connections: the capsule is indeed DEAD!! I suppose I'll be modding the mic so my friend can use it live. He has a cosmetically challenged 57 he's willing to let me play with. Lots of fun in perspective!

Thanks again for your help everyone!
> a 58 or 57-type capsule in these mics...

No and yes. All of Shure's classic "good" (not taxi-cab) capsules use the same basic idea. And maybe the same large stampings. They are of course made for many different price-points and with clever improvements (AND omissions) one to the other.

Mazda 323 econo-sedan and early MX5 Miata use "the same engine", except a snazzy head and a stupid ignition.

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