Bryston 3b Poop

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Well-known member
Dec 24, 2009
Orange County, Ca USA
Walked into my studio after a long night of work, and my left channel seems to have gone. I started to trace the signal and it was sure it was the left channel on the bryston. I thought it might have been just a bad connection at the 1/4" jack but nothing  seemed to work, then all of a sudden the left channel locked up, the amp was sending a low freq signal that just locked up the coil on my monitors.

I probably dont want to DIY this since i need a quick turn around so I can get back to work. Should I just send it in for repair at bryston?

Might I add this unit i bought seemed to have been worked on before, def, not by a repair center, some screws seemed striped on the chassis, this unit seems a little beat, but sounds great when it works.
jsefer said:
I probably dont want to DIY this since i need a quick turn around so I can get back to work.
As DIY is a no go ??
The obvious would be ,"Buy a new amp" to see you through till you can repair the original....? And take it to a man who can

jsefer said:
Should I just send it in for repair at bryston?
This is a DIY Site.........that statement is a violation of your user rights !!!!
bryston is very good about servicing their amps
20 years - wow  sometimes they will fix it no charge deven after the 20 years.

they are not hard to work on, just messy
bryston is very good about servicing their amps
20 years - wow  sometimes they will fix it no charge deven after the 20 years.
I find that very hard to believe...........must be service charge plus parts ?
And as said,nothing to challenging to make good.
Thanks for the replies. Yeah they have a 20yr warranty, I dont know if they will warrant my unit since it seems like its been opened before, screws are striped, some are grinned down to the metal, dont know if they will do it, but doesnt hurt to ask.

As far as DIY, I usually would since it could be a component that I can just easily replace, but not having the proper tools at my disposal Its not something Im going to do...

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