One of my friends wanted an "old school" pre with no FB. I settled for D3a. I have a lot of them. Never built it, just tested input and output stages and left it as an exercise, but here is what you could get with 2 of them in triode mode:
input trannie 1:5. High input C rules out 1:10 trannies, but 1:5 is fine. Gain pot between stages. Output stage single ended transformer coupled with 4:1 trannie.
Max gain 74dB
input noise near theoretical minimum, ie. mostly transformer resistance.
Z out 140 Ohms.
Max out 33V peak into 600 Ohms.
Distortion low enough to be inaudible at high loads and single sources. (my estimate. At some gain setting the stage distortions will cancel each other)
Power supply 170V 30mA per channel. In two channel pre this is still not an issue.
And see what you can get with it.
You could record a harpsichord with ribbon mikes and drive a vintage limiter if the instrument is too dynamic
Other tubes of interest include E180F and E810F. And there are more.
Drawbacks in high Gm tubes include fairly big spread in Gm (1/3 of my D3a went into thrash), high Cga (in triode mode) and the fact that they are prone to oscillate and require fairly low grid leak resistors. And because some are quite microphonic 1:1 input trannie is not a good idea. But when you know what they require the rest is not rocket science.
And excuse my arrogance, but I still don't get the idea of "One tube pre". Why leave other tube out to make the pre less versatile? (you can always bypass one tube if needed) If one is obsessed with a single tube clapping electrons in the woods, then OK.
Well, umm...the topic was C3m..ooops..sorry. I get carried away when somewhat obscure low cost high quality tubes are mentioned.