Cake or PYE?

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2009
Provo, UT
Hi All...
Wondering if someone would be willing to answer some of my questions about this circuit. I don't want to be a question Hog, so I've been holding these questions back for quite sometime, looking for answers on my own. This forum speeds up the learning process a lot...

Any information on the transformers and Input attenuation would be great. I have some *ideas* about what to use, but assume I know nothing.

Also anything a person like me (knows just enough to get themselves into a world of trouble! ) might overlook.


Thank You.
Would those be Altec-Lansing transformers?  If they made a 22-series in the '70s, that would likely be them.

interesting. I wonder what the transformer in the Oscillator loop is?  
Just has to work around 200+khz I believe...

My Guesses:
T1 Input line step down (1:1, 2:1)
T2 Line Out Step up (1:1, 1:2)

T3 Oscillator feedback transformer (1:1, 1:3)(must pass 200khz - 250khz, also ratio? I'm totally guessing but probably want a step up since you want it to feedback)  
T4 transformer feeding side chain - (1:1) doesn't have to be high quality.

If they were custom made, then the only sure way of knowing is if someone had an original PYE unit and was able to look under its hood and take a look,see.

Edit: Edit:
It would be for a good cause...wouldn't it be nice to have a PCB for these? :eek:

At least output transformer and power supply transformer were made by Tessier Windings. The rest I can tell for sure. Attenuators were made by Painton.
nice sharp schematic abechap! the only one i have seen up until now was borderline unreadable.

EDIT - actually... the "PYE2.jpg" file looks blurry from about half way down to me - perhaps it was uploaded/downloaded partially? how does it look to everyone else?

also - do you have the diagram for the attenuators?

it'd be great to clone these one day - they are very hard to find and expensive - but they sound great, of course (what "hard-to-find-&-expensive thing doesn't??! haha)
Yes, it would seem at some point the image was saved in the middle of download, leaving the last detailed layer unfinished (feature of PNG format).
i have a friend who has a pair of pye compressors - not sure if it's the same model in these schems, they have a horizontal layout with the black meter on the left from memory. i MAY be able to convince him to let me open them up and take some measurements of the transformers. however it won't be any time soon - i'm very busy/overseas for the next few months...
The second picture must of got interrupted during upload. I'll reload it when I get a chance, the internet I'm currently using blocks FTP ports.? (don't ask why..)

A look and a couple pokes in an actual unit would be great...


EDIT: Also forgot they are uploaded to the group mail account.
OK, got the full schemo on the group account.
Since the rail voltage is 17V, and according to the claim of operating up to +24dBm, the output xfmr ratio must have been at least 1:2.2, actually probably 2.5-3.
I think a relatively common 1:2 would allow clean +20 dBu operation, which is generally enough in all practicality.
For the same reason, the input xfmr should be 2:1 ratio.
As to T4, one can only guess, but the ratio cannot be very high because the secondary has to drive the relatively low impedance presented by TR17 in common-base mode.
The oscillator is of the Hartley type, so the turn number between 3-4 is much lower than between 1-2.