Can someone explain micropone capsule dual and single laps?

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Hi friends

I have done a search on the net to try and understand more about this but come up with surprisingly little.

Can someone offer an explanation on the differences between the two, what is involved and why there is a distinction??

Thanks very much
Vast subject!
Single diaphragm condenser mics are generally either omni (sealed-back, pressure-sensitive) or cardio (vented-back, pressure gradient sensitive). Figure-8 directivity is very difficult to achieve (it would need an acoustically-transparent backplate).
By combining two cardio capsules located as close to each other as possible (some have a common backplate) and combining them electrically, it is possible to achieve all sorts of patterns, such as omni (by summing them) to figure-8 (by substracting them).
The polarization voltage applied to each half of a two-sided capsule will determine it's pattern. Check out the Neumann M49. Lots of info here on that. Also the Gyraf G7 page gives a GREAT read on how it works.