many years ago I gutted a second-hand Valve PA to build up a 50Watt ODS Clone for my backline.
I kept the surplus parts knowing that they would come in handy sometime in the future.
Looking through my parts bins I found a cylindrical input transformer - but it has no manufacturer markings.
Measuring with my DVM I find its got 2 windings :
1) Red - Brown - Black which measure 2.7Ohms and 2.7Ohms between centre tap and ends.
2) Yellow - ~Orange which measures just over 2.6K across the winding
It feels nice and weighty and of good quality.
I rigged up my DVM and a simple signal generator putting out 1v at 100Hz into the Yell-Orange winding and I read 7.9mv across each of the other two windings ( the centre tapped one )
So I figure I've got an input transformer with a 125:1 ratio - is that right ?
What sort of input would this be for ?
what could I use it for ?
looks like its far too high a ration to be any use in my Bo Hansen DI box build ( I was planning to use an OEP )
Any advice welcomed !
many years ago I gutted a second-hand Valve PA to build up a 50Watt ODS Clone for my backline.
I kept the surplus parts knowing that they would come in handy sometime in the future.
Looking through my parts bins I found a cylindrical input transformer - but it has no manufacturer markings.
Measuring with my DVM I find its got 2 windings :
1) Red - Brown - Black which measure 2.7Ohms and 2.7Ohms between centre tap and ends.
2) Yellow - ~Orange which measures just over 2.6K across the winding
It feels nice and weighty and of good quality.
I rigged up my DVM and a simple signal generator putting out 1v at 100Hz into the Yell-Orange winding and I read 7.9mv across each of the other two windings ( the centre tapped one )
So I figure I've got an input transformer with a 125:1 ratio - is that right ?
What sort of input would this be for ?
what could I use it for ?
looks like its far too high a ration to be any use in my Bo Hansen DI box build ( I was planning to use an OEP )
Any advice welcomed !