Cap recognisable?

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2006
I'm a bit concerned that I'm going to feel the singe from CJ if I keep pushing my luck with nebie posts, but everyone knows you learn more and quicker if you hang around experts, you also get answers which lead to real understanding which you don't tend to on the few "lower level" forums that exist.

Desperatley trying to achieve something out here with a limited range opf available components (and no credit card etc to mail order in).. Having contacted the supplier of these Caps..


I'm told there's no datasheet available, so I don't hace a clue on the construction type or general spec and basically if they're any good or if I have to wait and sort out means of shipping something in here to do the job.
The supplier is a high street electronics store, so they'll probably be a widely available part, anyone recognise them and can give me any clue as to where to search the datasheets?
They look like some type of film cap which is a good start.

A closer photo might reveal logo to identify mfr, and perhaps some other markings of some utility in identifying them.

No branding anywhere on any of the values, just standard 2 figures/multiplier/K, sold as metalized poliester film.
Crazy that they're selling them and can't provide any further info, even the quoted pin spacings in the suppliers catalogue are wrong.

Might just go with them as it really does mean going to a lot of trouble to organise mail order (I don't even have a bank account :grin: ) ..just very large package sizes to put up with, 1uF/250V is 24mm long.
Cheers, the problem isn't working out the value though, values are the only thing printed on the caps, just wanting to get hold of some more specific data...
Now, it normally takes me at least a few minutes to extract what CJ is on about at any given time, but the last day or two have been truly bizarre. Between the swapping caps-lock and random letters buried in words, it's been a wild trip.

You cool man? Everything good?

I'm not sure jeth was thinking he has caps crafted by God(/god/gods/insert preference here), I think his main worry was whether or not these caps would even be considered suitable, or whether they were some crap $.02 jobbies.

I will, however, be on the lookout for some proper cancer caps and some reynolds wrap tiziness from tiubes. :wink:
Yes got me... just want to know if they're any use as I stated previously without substantial hassle, they're the only thing I| have available.

Don't worry about CJ, I think it's called a superiority complex, and it can cause all knids of misunderstanding....