Yesterday I brought some microphones to soundguys.
Something interesting to post. I also brought some of the same microphones to ETK's. Two are fet based with matched fets same IDSS bias etc. same circuit and transformers different grills and body, same type capsules 32mm MXLs.
Both microphones sound very different. One has OK sound for a 32mm china capsule IMO.
I have exchanged the capsules between both microphones and the "sound" follows the grill.
I reason I am posting this is, two others heard the difference and like myself were suprised how different the sound was.
I read some posts here and I don't think the posters have done the tests to check if what they post is true.
The more I learn (testing and reading) about capsules/grills the more I learn not to trust what I read about them.
Something interesting to post. I also brought some of the same microphones to ETK's. Two are fet based with matched fets same IDSS bias etc. same circuit and transformers different grills and body, same type capsules 32mm MXLs.
Both microphones sound very different. One has OK sound for a 32mm china capsule IMO.
I have exchanged the capsules between both microphones and the "sound" follows the grill.
I reason I am posting this is, two others heard the difference and like myself were suprised how different the sound was.
I read some posts here and I don't think the posters have done the tests to check if what they post is true.
The more I learn (testing and reading) about capsules/grills the more I learn not to trust what I read about them.