here is Henrys vs Freq graph for the DIY version,
only ran an unbalanced DC plot or the series connection, it is in green,
i used a slightly bigger stack than square, so a few extra lams, kind of like the Sowter fat boy version of the 1166/2567,
to get sec inductance, just divide by Z ratio which is turns ratio squared,
so divide by 4^2 = 16 for series connected pri and sec,
looks like you would have about 64/16= 4 Henries sec inductance for the unbalanced DC graph @ 10 Hz,
to get individual sec inductance, divide by 4, so figure about 1 Henry a piece,
if building a Reddi DI, your 1 K sec pot will work differently with the Carnhill vs the stock Cinemag, as the DCR on the 2290/91 sec in series is about 44 ohms and the Cinemag is about 132, so the pot will clamp the output less as you turn it down on the Carnhill,
there is also a tone effect when turning down the pot, seems to roll off some high end, this effect will also be slightly different with the Carnhill,