Looks like I've been dragged into collaborating in a project to try and turn a tape multitracker into a mini mellotron ,
First off I'll stripe the tape channels with 4 different tones at a set musical interval , then by modifying the pitch control pot into a switching arangement ,the four basic tones can be pitched up or down , so four notes capable of being played at a number of different tape speeds , it will of course take a small amount of time for the motor/flywheel speed to change and pitch stabilise after you change note ,but at least all the swirley whirley is glorius analog ,
Looks like the pause mechanism could be linked in easily too ,so after you stop playing for a few seconds the tape stops until another note is pressed , the balistics of the tape mechanism in the machine are good ,it can drop in or out of play/record seamlessly in a fraction of a second
Im trying to figure out whats the most musical way of arranging the buttons and the pitch shift , four different tape tracks at four different speeds ,16 notes and four fingers on each hand , so two rows of four buttons to cover everything . Of course different tapes could be prepared in advance for each piece of music you need to accompany with it . Maybe a musically gifted individual could suggest some possible strategies , the vari speed dial on the X-15 gives varispeed of +/-15% , although I think there is more range available via a preset on the board , so it gives each note probably +/-20% range it can transpose to . Hopefully a simple switched resistive ladder network will be adequate .
Imagine though, having to change the cassette tape when you want a different tone on the instrument , what a blast from the past that would be
you also get to cook up the backing tapes to your own special recipe from sample libraries or synths , your not stuck with the presets from the original Mello, but it will give some of that special tape/time dynamic to the sound .