Christopher Wylie Data War whistle blower

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Yeah....Ruari already posted it in his Personal Security thread.......  Creepy...

ruairioflaherty said:
Somewhat related to the topic -

Not a closed case by any means but some interesting info on approaches to data collection in the private sector.
FB is getting slammed for sharing user data with some academic "researcher" who then shared it with a commercial data firm who used it for political targeting. 

They have some 'splainin to do....

I thought of ruari when I read it this morning.  I must of  subconscious seen it but had not read it .  He posted on this in the original thread dmp posted that showed your political direction test.  I posted because I was surprised at the way it place me on  the grid.    Social media is a marketing dream machine.  Bunch of pawns with marks on are foreheads ripe for the taking or maybe not, as we become more aware.  Still a personal phycology issue at the heart of it.

As I said  "The intent is monetary greed, the accountability is zero, the regulation on their activities is zero.  They hoover up the Internet, move and process data across borders and mine it without any oversight whatsoever.  They  are big business at its worst in my view."

Happy surfing

Oh dear, oh dear.

You should have seen the expose on the Cambridge Analytica on the TV tonight.  I can't see them getting out of this.
sahib said:
Oh dear, oh dear.

You should have seen the expose on the Cambridge Analytica on the TV tonight.  I can't see them getting out of this.

Facebook and Cambridge will get some heat in the E.U. where the idea of data protection is valued.  In the U.S. it's a free for all.

I'm not on Facebook for obvious reasons but the idea that certain users can leave the door open for companies to access their friends data is alarming. It reminds me of how we make great efforts to stay off spam lists but our email get harvested from the least secure person/computer/network we have ever communicated with.

Yes, government and E.U. oversight slows growth and hurts profit but it is absolutely necessary.  The tension between regulation and corporate motivations is essential.  Here in the U.S. anything that slows growth is anathema. 
ruairioflaherty said:
Facebook and Cambridge will get some heat in the E.U. where the idea of data protection is valued.  In the U.S. it's a free for all.
As a person in the US, I can attest that some people here take privacy very seriously.  Our government however is totally sold out to corporate greed and stock market returns, as are a lot of US citizens (who vote).

I feel like there were news articles on Cambridge anlytica using Facebook data a year ago? There was even discussion about it here I think.
This story has new details because of this whistleblower, but I don't think a lot if it is new news.

What's really funny is that this has been known all along. Analytica even boasted about it on their website. That page was removed after a few weeks.

FB security staff went from 120 persons to 3 in 2 days. From what I hear, they informed management several times this was happening. And now, it seems management was planning on blaming their security dept. That is, after lying to investigators and even congress about it.

Another funny thing is, the Russians played along with this game, but for far less money. They just bought some ads on FB, after figuring out that click bait ads got rated much higher by FB than average ads.

And now it seems the Russians also bought a French president?

How many others to they own already?
Hi Mike,

Do you mean the program or the CA executives?

CA CEO has been suspended. This is just the beginning. US investigators are now slowly getting their teeth into CA's ass and god help them. These guys don't piss about.