Cleaning switches and pots

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2007
London, England
When doing all these DIY projects and indeed restoring vintage gear, one frequently find that some of the pots and switches are somewhat esoteric and hard to get hold of. Where one would normally just replace a pot or switch, you find that you have to restore the original one.
Over there in the States you have all that stuff made by Caig. Here in the UK there isn't that much around that is specialised for the purpose of cleaning and then maintaining good contact in delicate moving parts.
I'm sure we've all had occasion to try and salvage something that has been 'drenched' in switch cleaner. Or where an anti-oxidant has been used and the pot or slider has just siezed up.
So the purpose of this thread is to see what people have used successfully for this job.
I've got a can of stuff called Fospro (made by Hellerman) which I've used a lot - particularly on switches. But It's the kind of thing to be used very sparingly - not soaking the components. I also used some stuff called Stabilant 22 which was ridiculously expensive, but seems to give very good results on potentiometer tracks.
Anyway, I invite your comments.
i use all the caig products,
5% then a dab of 100%,
either deoxit or the fader ones,
plus some pro gold for edge connectors etc.
i buy them from probus electronics.
the only problem is everytime i put an order in
caig have changed the names.

Electrolube has always been the Neve spec'ed lube for switches and pots. It was "Green", now it is "EML". Made in the UK. Clean first with a flushing non-lube contact cleaner, then use electrolube sparingly, barely leaking out of the tube.
I just re-furbed a BCM-10 and it made all dodgy switches new again. I never tried it in pots, but it says you can on the can.

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