.062? or .0062?
metric or English? what gauge?
even layering is not as important with small wire as it is with trying to pull some #14AWG over #36, you want a smooth surface under heavy wire so you do not smash turns into a short,
even layering will get you more wire on a bobbin than random winding, but random winding will get you lower capacitance as the is more space between wire,
if you are trying to copy an xfmr with a full bobbin that is layer wound, you will need to also layer wind or else a random wound coil will run out of room,
tension is important but winding speed is important also, if you wind too fast you will end up with a round sponge,
you can buy fancy tension devices but you can DIY a tension setup for small wire buy simply putting different size weights on top of a piece of foam and also using a small compression spring to run the wire thru, this spring will help compensate for winding on a square bobbin where there are rapid accelerations of the wire, this is not important on the coil end, but for the spool end of the wire, if you de-reel the wire with the bobbin spinning, you want the spool to spin at the same speed so you do not stress out or break the wire, a full spool can weigh enough to fight the wire accelerations, which is bad,
you can run your traverse at a set speed and then adjust wind speed to get an even layer,
if you are de-reeling with the spool sitting on it's edge, then you do not need the spring,
so run the wire thru a spring with a teflon guide and then put a piece of cloth or foam over the wire with a weight on top and wind slow.
here is a pic showing a setup for both edge spooling and rotational spooling, spring circled in red, plastic ruler and whisker disk help smooth out edge spool wire, over hanging green guide is an old #44 winding spool, DIY tape dispenser also, 3M tape dispenser is about $200 ea, wood block on cloth is enough tension for #48,>
DIY Whisker Disc Tensioner>