I've picked up a surplus switching psu which I'd thought be ideal for the midibox bits in the big controller project i'm planning, built around that banged-up yamaha mc2404 i picked up...
It's specs are:
100-240v AC in, out +5v,+12v DC at 8 amps
more than enough juice - +5V for digital logic (for relay's power controlling analog switching too perhaps?). +12V for motorfaders...
First up - i'm hoping it's fine to just chain the sep psu's i'm using within the same box to a single power switch/IEC input socket and i'll just make sure I use some beefy cable when connecting to mains externally...
I'll keep the exsisting mc2404 psu (for the new analog bits) and change the ceramic smoothing caps to some poly's...any other ideas there?
Back to this switcher tho - I can't see any jumpers anywhere to set input voltage so I'm wondering if it's ok to just feed it uk 220 mains and it'd be coo or not...i took a cpl pics anyway:
The wires to the left there are the dc outs. Yellow marked 'P.UK', red '+5V', blue '+12V' and black/green are dc gnd.
Here there's a pre-wired cable which is on the same tracks as the rectifiers + and - outputs...
Any pointers appreciated! :thumb:
I've picked up a surplus switching psu which I'd thought be ideal for the midibox bits in the big controller project i'm planning, built around that banged-up yamaha mc2404 i picked up...
It's specs are:
100-240v AC in, out +5v,+12v DC at 8 amps
more than enough juice - +5V for digital logic (for relay's power controlling analog switching too perhaps?). +12V for motorfaders...
First up - i'm hoping it's fine to just chain the sep psu's i'm using within the same box to a single power switch/IEC input socket and i'll just make sure I use some beefy cable when connecting to mains externally...
I'll keep the exsisting mc2404 psu (for the new analog bits) and change the ceramic smoothing caps to some poly's...any other ideas there?
Back to this switcher tho - I can't see any jumpers anywhere to set input voltage so I'm wondering if it's ok to just feed it uk 220 mains and it'd be coo or not...i took a cpl pics anyway:
The wires to the left there are the dc outs. Yellow marked 'P.UK', red '+5V', blue '+12V' and black/green are dc gnd.
Here there's a pre-wired cable which is on the same tracks as the rectifiers + and - outputs...
Any pointers appreciated! :thumb: