I just purchased a used Crown Com-tech 400 amplifier and after hooking up 2 JBL HSL410's (that work), I noticed that channel 1 is pretty much dead. I am getting a small bit of noise out of the speaker on channel 1 when I play music, however it is barely noticeable and garbled.
I hooked up my equipment in this order:
Computer->Com-tech 400->(HSL410's/ Jamo Sub 250- in parallel)
Note that my Jamo Sub has line-level inputs for amps that do not have a sub out. I have tried disconnecting the sub and reversing the polarity on the speaker wires on channel 1 to no avail.
My regular powered computer speakers also work well so this can't be an issue with my sound card. I also double-checked all of the input and output wiring on the amp. I originally had the input wiring connected incorrectly (positive in + and negative in the ground terminal), however I fixed the wiring when I moved the negative wires over to the (-) input terminals of the amp.
I am using regular Radioshack Megacable speaker cable by the way. Please let me know if I am missing any information.
What is the most likely cause of this problem? I don't mind opening up the amp and replacing components, however I am having difficulty finding where to start. Also, please let me know if I should replace anything (like op-amps) to improve audio quality while I am working on the amp.
Thanks for the help.
I hooked up my equipment in this order:
Computer->Com-tech 400->(HSL410's/ Jamo Sub 250- in parallel)
Note that my Jamo Sub has line-level inputs for amps that do not have a sub out. I have tried disconnecting the sub and reversing the polarity on the speaker wires on channel 1 to no avail.
My regular powered computer speakers also work well so this can't be an issue with my sound card. I also double-checked all of the input and output wiring on the amp. I originally had the input wiring connected incorrectly (positive in + and negative in the ground terminal), however I fixed the wiring when I moved the negative wires over to the (-) input terminals of the amp.
I am using regular Radioshack Megacable speaker cable by the way. Please let me know if I am missing any information.
What is the most likely cause of this problem? I don't mind opening up the amp and replacing components, however I am having difficulty finding where to start. Also, please let me know if I should replace anything (like op-amps) to improve audio quality while I am working on the amp.
Thanks for the help.