design a mastering mixer

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buschfsu said:
ok so if i get another dac i dont actually need them synced they are not running together they are monitoring different sources.  would an apogee mini dac be on par with a benchmark.  i think i can get one of those.

Well they may be synced depending on your setup.  My setup has been based around PT-HD for quite a while, I monitor from an Avocet fed from my main outs and then my analogue loop is fed from an AES out on the Digi interface.  In my case the two D/As and the A/D are all synced to the same clock. 

I am just about to switch to a 2 computer set up which is very common for mastering.  The 2 computers will not be synced in any way.

I haven't heard the Apogee.  The key key thing is speakers & room but I'm sure you know this...

i ususally stagger all my mixed tracks in one logic session so i can toggle plugs for cpu cycles.  pretty efficient so far.  i like the nebulas dw fern and massive passive eqs but they are cpu hogs.


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