Diode direction/*

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I'm building the SSL and I've noticed that the markings on the pcb for the diodes seem to be directional. Are they? Which was do I mount them?

Also, I know that the "**" is for meter sensitivity, but what's the "*" for?

I got it confused with the meter sensitivity and put a 2k resistor in there....hope that doesn't screw anything up.
yes - there is an anode and cathode. Notice the little stripe on the diode - if there is a little mark on the PCB that looks like this:


the stripe goes on the | side if that makes sense.
[quote author="twitchmonitor"]I'm building the SSL and I've noticed that the markings on the pcb for the diodes seem to be directional. Are they? Which was do I mount them?.[/quote]

Milkmansound already answered that, but I want to chime in something, which is that if you're pretty new at this, you should know that electrolytic capacitors also are directional, and the circuit board probably has a "+" sign on one terminal of each electrolytic. A lot of electrolytics these days have the "-" terminal labeled not the "+". Make sure you get it right; an electrolytic wired backwards can explode, frightening the cat.

May I recommend a book called "The Art of Electronics" for a good short course in what these things do and how they're wired? It'll save you some heartache, and a nervous cat.

the cat? what about you! Read a book, or watch a video or something if you must - but things are gonna explode because even the best still make a stupid mistake - there is always that little thing you did not check on, and its gonna snap crackle or pop in your face.
This cat thing is over my head, but thanks for the help. I'm familliar with the +/- on the capacitors, but I've never done anything with diodes like that before. I picked up that Navy book on Basic Electronics...so far it's really good.

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