Diy Parts Supply - 3 rail adjustable psu kits $35 (+/-/48V(or other))

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in date 11/06/2010  i have done  a order: # 682
it is still under processing status !
please write my back when shipp
thank you!
hi p.townkid. back on the 3rd of november i paypaled you to order the sb4000 parts and cab and meters. i paypaled you 337 US$ instead of CAD. apoligies for that inconvenience. i've had no word from you regarding that order since then. could you please check that out and get back to me to confirm. i must be in credit or debit or something . we can work it out when comes time for shipping bill. thanks. please reply here .
Ditto.  I'm not nagging (at least not trying to! :D ).  I ordered/paid for the SB4000 Component Kit + Chassis & Meter yesterday - is it still OK to pay for these kits at this time? (Hope so!  :eek: )

Thanks for any updates.  I'm also VERY interested in getting an SA3A Chassis (pre-punched), Knobs, & Meter package from ptownkid (already pre-paid for Ruckus' Full Monty SA3A Kit a few weeks ago).  Any updates on that project are welcomed as well...

I honestly don't know where ptownkid and Ruckus find the time!  I can barely find time to simply assemble these kits - much less design the PCB's and source 100's of kits worth of parts!  :eek:  Your efforts are greatly appreciated over here!

Sorry guys, I'm trying my hardest. Been working 12 hour days and getting home to my family at 8pm every night exhausted. I'm leaving early tomorrow for a doctors appointment and I will sit down and write a nice detailed update.
...and things got so busy I had to cancel my doctors appointment and just got home now...awesome.

Ok, here's the quick and dirty version

Initially there were some delays caused by people who said they were in and either never paid, or paid very late. Up until a certain point the whole thing was going to be canceled as I simply could not afford to proceed without a decent amount of pre-orders. In the end, many of the people who said they were in came through, but it pushed the timeline back by quite some.

-Parts kits-

Most of the stuff is here, still waiting on a few things, but I imagine they will be here within the week. I had two different suppliers mis-ship parts, which meant returning them and having to wait until they received the return before being able to re-purchase as we have almost every dollar we have invested into this run and there's simply nothing left...


The meters have been ordered, and we should get them in the next 2-3 weeks assuming everything goes well. IE, customs doesn't hold them for an absurd amount of time.


We're on manufacturer #3 now, as I have been really unimpressed by the quality of work seen from the first two. I'm not the first, and I'm sure i won't be the last, but good metal manufacturer's are hard to find. I have a meeting early next week to see a proto, and the company we're using does a lot of rack enclosures for the telecom industry so my hopes are high. If the sample is acceptable, production will begin immediately and they should be ready in 3-4 weeks. This badboy will be worth it, I promise you this!

I realize that many of you are itching to start stuffing your boards, so I looked into how much to ship one package, versus how much to ship two (parts first, chassis and/or meters second) and the difference in price is a couple dollars. So that is an option if anyone wants. Don't post here whether you want to go that route or not, I will e-mail you all with details this weekend.

I fully appreciate that this has been dragging, but I assure you that I have been trying my hardest to get this done as quickly as possible. Unforeseen complications always seem to arise when something of this size is taken on, but in the end you will all be very happy.

thanks for your support and patience.

monies sent for SB4000 parts, meter and chassis ($337 CAD).
I hope I'm following protocol here.  I guess I'll wait to hear about shipping fees?

I just want to make sure that you're still taking orders for the the sb4000 kit, meter and chassis. (the round that's shipping soon)

Happy to send the cash if you confirm!
I would also like the part kit, chassis, and meter.
Do you know what the shipping to Denmark will be?
Do you ship it all together or in more than one shipment, I would like to know because the customs in Denmark are really stricked and expensive.

Best Regards

Nikolaj :)
Sending 337 dollars tomorrow, and the shipping comes later right?

Best Regards

Nikolaj :)

I am interested in kit with meter.

Shipping to Croatia.

Let me know all details on PM or public

Btw. I don't need chasis



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