Diy Parts Supply - 3 rail adjustable psu kits $35 (+/-/48V(or other))

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Hi !

I wanted to order two 51X PSU kits and some cable. Are both available as seen on your site (DIYPARTSSUPPLY) ?
If so, two questions: how do you want me to specify the lenght of cable ordered (if I'm correct you do sell it 1$/foot), I would need 18 feet... Secondly, can I expect my order to be processed within a week or so ?

Take care ! Piotr
Piotr; they will go out within 24 hours. The cable is sold by the foot, so add 18 to your cart.

Niketouille, yes I can sell it without the vcas for $225

UPDATE: More parts have finally arrived, just waiting on a couple last bits and the entire parts kits will be ready. I'm finally home for 3-4 days after working 12 hour days for the last few weeks so I will get a lot done in the next few days. Still waiting for the meters... Had to have the chassis proto remade as there were some details I was not happy with, I'll know better what's up with those by monday. At this point, I think it's more realistic to send out the parts kits first, and then the meters and chassis second as to not delay this any longer. As I said before the shipping difference is actually very small due to do it this way, and you can all get to building.
hello, ptownkid!

I havent get any instructions how to order SB4000 kit (paypal details...). Please send me details ASAP. I have already sent 2 emails on your prodigy e-mail, but no answer. Do you use it or communication goes only through this forum and your web?

Anyway, I want to order one kit with meter and without chasis...

many thanx.

Thanx. I just payed $277 for SB4000 kit with meter. Let me know when you find out shipping price for Croatia.


hello, How much are the Shipping fees for the component kit first  for the SB4000? (i'v paid for in september i think)

I'can't wait to solder stuff :)

thanks a lot for your wrok.
I will know the shipping prices shortly, I've been sorting parts for 8-10 hours a day for the last 3 days. Once i have one complete I can weigh it.
Still waiting for power supply parts
you don't mail parts, don't answer emails... 
The email listed in your paypal account was sent back as undeliverable.
What's UP?
Your message cannot be delivered to the following recipients:
  Recipient address: [email protected]
  Reason: SMTP transmission failure has occurred
  Diagnostic code: smtp;554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a account ([email protected])
I don't know why paypal still has that address listed...we removed it 2 years ago. I have contacted them multiple times about that, guess i need to call again. The proper address that you will get me every single time will be in your PM inbox right after I post this.

The site e-mail has been f'd up forever and I'm starting to get very annoyed by that, might be time to switch hosts as this is getting ridiculous.

Your psu parts got held up as we had ordered some upgraded parts for the kits and they just came the other day, she's going today.

Hi Ptownkid,

I would like to do my planning for this build ( DIY PARTS SUPPLY - SB4000 parts kit)  and I would like to know when we can get all parts.
I wish i could tell you an exact date, but not one of the suppliers I've dealt with actually adheres to any kinda of quoted seems that everyone underestimates by a lot.

I'm trying, with everything I've got in my soul...
Is the SB4000 Chassis punched for the Fused type IEC inlets (like the Hairball 2RU 1176 chassis - 27mm x 31.4mm) or is it punched for the minimal IEC inlet w/o a fuse (28mm x 20mm or so)?

Also - I wanted to either add 2 more Female XLR's for the sidechain inputs - or if you can provide me with the P/N's you are using - I'd prefer all 6 XLR's to match aesthetically.


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