Diy Parts Supply - 3 rail adjustable psu kits $35 (+/-/48V(or other))

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Would you prefer to add the two extra Female XLR's to my order and bill me now so they all ship at once with the Component Kit (I'm assuming no extra shipping if that's the case) - or would you prefer that I obtain them on my own?  I'm about to place a mouser order tomorrow FYI...

Thanks for the IEC clarification!  8)
Ptownkid said:
I wish i could tell you an exact date, but not one of the suppliers I've dealt with actually adheres to any kinda of quoted seems that everyone underestimates by a lot.

I'm trying, with everything I've got in my soul...

I'm sorry but I need to know !!!! Because it was a bit long ? I need to do my planning for finishing my works.
Holy hell, there's a herd of 51X replacement parts envelopes invading my office!

jandoste said:
Ptownkid said:
I wish i could tell you an exact date, but not one of the suppliers I've dealt with actually adheres to any kinda of quoted seems that everyone underestimates by a lot.

I'm trying, with everything I've got in my soul...

I'm sorry but I need to know !!!! Because it was a bit long ? I need to do my planning for finishing my works.

Ok, I'll do this never!!

What would you like me to tell you? How do I answer a question that I already answered...I can't give an exact date.

The last two packages I received with parts from various suppliers got held up in customs 8 days longer than i was told they would, how do I account for these things? There's one in customs, 15 minutes away from here that was supposed to be delivered last's still sitting in a warehouse and it has been for 6 days. I've called FEDEX 3 times, and the answer i get every time is that they are backed up and trying to sort out some paperwork.

I'm not going to just pick a date out of the blue, when so many things are not in my control, just to have something happen and cause that date to be wrong.

You are frustrated, and i understand that, but how do you think i feel? I've had 100 different things go wrong, and a ton of money hung out on this run of kits. I've had nights where I've hardly slept while trying to figure out how to get my money back from company A, so I can buy the parts instead from company B. I've had 2 different suppliers send me all the wrong parts. I've seen so many sub-par, and expensive as hell, enclosure prototypes that i practically want to buy metal machinery so that it gets done right. The manufacturer for all of the sip/dip sockets and terminal blocks had a piece of machinery break on them, putting my parts order behind schedule...the list goes on my man.

I am trying my absolute hardest, and you have to remember that you are getting a great kit at a great price and I am working my tail off to make that happen.

I order part kits so I don't have to go through what you do. I'm willing to pay
So I know I have what it takes to get the project done, and for this all I have to do is wait.
Thanks for all your hard work to make kit building easier.
There will be no good wine before it's time.
Winetree said:
I order part kits so I don't have to go through what you do. I'm willing to pay

QFE. Agreed 1000%.

And in the same breath - Any updates on the SB4000 component kits?  :D

Well, one of the shipments stuck in customs finally showed up here today, small hooray, but alas, they sent one part incomplete (even though they said they had all 200 pieces in stock) and another didn't come at all.

Things still not here...

Meters - I'm told they should be soon, the hold up is because i ordered a whack of meters on top of the 1mA ones, if it takes much longer i will pay extra shipping to have them shipped to us separately from the rest.
Chassis - Another meeting with yet another manufacturer next week, every one of my fingers and toes are crossed that they can do this right, if not plan B is to buy them stock from par-metal and cnc the backpanels myself...arrrggggg
Dip/sip sockets and terminal blocks - I got a recommendation to use a highly regarded manufacturer in asia for these as their prices and quality were fantastic, all the sockets are gold, which was something we wanted on this, unfortunately, they had one of their machines for the terminal blocks malfunction in some way and their production schedule got pushed back. They told me I wouldn't see parts until the beginning of Feb, I told them that this was unacceptable and that I'd have to get my money back and go elsewhere (i should point out that they NEVER mentioned any kind of lead time until AFTER I wired over 4K to them...nice huh?) to which they responded that they could ship Jan 15. I again said, no chance, refund please and they are now saying they will ship at the start of Jan.
THAT chips - Next week

This has easily been the largest undertaking we have ever done, most expensive, and most incredibly frustrating. I understand fully that this has taken forrrrrrrever, and must be frustrating for you all, I feel your pain. In the grand scheme of things, this got off to a very late start as people didn't pay up until the very last second for the most part. I just hope I've conveyed that i truly have been trying as hard as I can to get this wrapped up. I've learned a lot of lessons on this one.

The amazing part is how much patience almost all of you have shown through this, I truly appreciate it, this has been a tough one...

Ptownkid said:
What would you like me to tell you? How do I answer a question that I already answered...I can't give an exact date.

The last two packages I received with parts from various suppliers got held up in customs 8 days longer than i was told they would, how do I account for these things? There's one in customs, 15 minutes away from here that was supposed to be delivered last's still sitting in a warehouse and it has been for 6 days. I've called FEDEX 3 times, and the answer i get every time is that they are backed up and trying to sort out some paperwork.

I'm not going to just pick a date out of the blue, when so many things are not in my control, just to have something happen and cause that date to be wrong.

You are frustrated, and i understand that, but how do you think i feel? I've had 100 different things go wrong, and a ton of money hung out on this run of kits. I've had nights where I've hardly slept while trying to figure out how to get my money back from company A, so I can buy the parts instead from company B. I've had 2 different suppliers send me all the wrong parts. I've seen so many sub-par, and expensive as hell, enclosure prototypes that i practically want to buy metal machinery so that it gets done right. The manufacturer for all of the sip/dip sockets and terminal blocks had a piece of machinery break on them, putting my parts order behind schedule...the list goes on my man.

I am trying my absolute hardest, and you have to remember that you are getting a great kit at a great price and I am working my tail off to make that happen.


I can understand but it's been four months! I see paypaled date "September 23|2010"!
Yes, you were prompt in paying, unfortunately many people were not. To be clear, there's nothing wrong with that, and I'm not personally upset with any late payers, but it caused delays. If you go back through the thread, you'll see that I set a cutoff date of Oct.11, to try and get those who were saying they were in, to actually commit and make this happen. It was another 2 weeks after that until we reached a point where this was even possible.

I'm really not sure what more I can tell you at this does bother me that you are upset, but I can't do any more than I already am. If you'd like your money back, simply e-mail me. There is no point in cluttering this thread with this discussion any more.

Back to maths school Frenchy, that's less than 3 months. You should give a refund ptown, ha. Do the hard yards himself, and pay more for it.  ???
Easy now, there's no need for that. He has a right to be frustrated, I would be too I imagine.

Yes, it would be more expensive to self-source this particular kit, but some would argue that they would rather pay more than wait.

Either way, please play nice...
Woah brother, that's all I was saying too, be cool. I thought ptown needed some flack support, he keeps having to apologise for things out of his control. I'm waiting on 3 enchiladas myself and am reading here every couple of days for updates. Patience is something I think most of us have and those who dont should, this is such a great service from ptown.
I don't understand your question rigger but I liked that movie.  8)
Appologies for the lack of smilies and winks to lighten the tone of my last post.  ;)
Dazazone  :-*
Sorry for offtopic, but does anybody knows some nice looking knobs for GSSL/SB4000, or some active group buy?


My holiday is complete! I got a envelope with some replacement parts....

Cheers and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Good Kwanzaa, or what ever floats your boat this year.

update please?

you often say things are going to be resolved 'next week' and then dont post for several.

Least you can do is keep people in the loop, no?


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