Diy Parts Supply - 3 rail adjustable psu kits $35 (+/-/48V(or other))

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Hey Ptownkid,
im doing some design work for the front panel and was wondering if you could tell me the make and model of the meter thats gonna be shipped with my kit order?
I understand its a 1mA meter and that it fits sifam AL19 barrells but wondered if it was a sifam meter that is being sent?
Clicked a link to view the meters earlier in the  thread but it didnt work..

my email is [email protected] if you would prefer to email me

Thanks mate!

Shea ;D
Am I right in saying the supplied meter only reads power, not gain reduction or db level and the bargraph is switchable for in/out level?
Im confused
Been up for far too long hahahhaaaa
what do you mean power?

its a GR meter. read the design / support threads, all this stuff is in it.

bargraph is i/o l/r.

snipsnip said:
what do you mean power?

its a GR meter. read the design / support threads, all this stuff is in it.

bargraph is i/o l/r.

Thanks man, im taking in so much info at the moment and keep making new discoveries about possibilities so apologies for my newb questions. Im learning tho. Thank you for all your help i really appreciate it!
Update! On friday eve, all the terminal blocks, sip sockets and dip sockets showed up. Wooooooot! I spent all day yesterday sorting the darn things and today is the final kit sort.

100% of the kit parts are now here, so tomorrow I will begin e-mailing everyone with shipping quotes so that people can decide whether to get one or two shipments as we're still waiting for the meters and the chassis'.

They both should be here in the next 2 weeks, but it will take me a few days to mill the back panels since par-metal has proven to be rather untrustworthy in their custom work ability.

I havent got e-mail with shipping price yet. Do you have all parts now (meters aswell)?
Ptown, you are a DIY soldier ;D
Hope things are moving forward. Any updates regarding shipping of the parts apart from chassis/meter?

Only a few have gone some personal family medical shit in the way at the moment (not to worry, no one is dying or anything). Hoping to get on the e-mails this afternoon.
Ptownkid said:
Only a few have gone some personal family medical Sh*t in the way at the moment (not to worry, no one is dying or anything). Hoping to get on the e-mails this afternoon.
Hope everything is ok wit you!
Just wondered what colour push buttons are bein shipped with the sb4000 parts kit?

man this is soooo long. the meters are delayed because you ordered some that had nothing to do with the sb4k project? cheers

you offered people a chassis, i assumed you had the ability to do this which is why i happily sent you money. I didnt realise you were still looking into whether or not you could do it. Then the chassis turns out to be a size unrelated to the pcb spec.

YOu said you would email people on the 16th, I still have nothing. This may be DIY, but you run a business, and I cant understand why each problem takes so long to resolve.

Im not even in a rush to do this, but it just CRAZY how many problems you seem to have encountered / created and have so often failed to provide updates on the days you said you would.

poor show. HURRY UP!  :)

Actually, i only ordered the SB meters to expedite the process...

If you had read the updates, you'd also know that we went with the par-metal chassis. Which in reality is irrelevant, is a 10" chassis really somehow worse than an 8"...?

I said I was about to e-mail yes..but if you want the honest truth, I also came on and said that a family member had a medical emergency. I will make no apologies about my family coming first.

Yes I run a "business", a small, part time, niche business that DOES NOT pay the bills. If you are surprised by the amount of problems, I suggest you try and tackle something of this magnitude and see how it goes.

I spent all of today compiling everyone's e-mail addresses, verifying against paypal, and getting shipping quotes for about 23 different states and countries. You'll get e-mails tomorrow.

Fine - i expect family to come first, no drama there.

but its one thing after another. Im not trying to say i would want to do what youve done.... but thats exactly the reason i didnt!!

you said you could get these kits together and out an absolute age ago. A seasons passed and its just excuse after excuse. You claim people want gold plated terminal blocks, so thats why that orders held up.i couldnt care less about gold plated blocks. I could give a similar example for almost every delay thats come up. Its all just so unprofessional. Some people have ordered parts and built these. Whys it so much harder for you?

Fact is, cartain aspects of your approch to offering a product you seem incapabable of delivering have really started to annoy me. Sort these problems before taking peoples money. Im sorry you seem to have a life full of drama, but as someone who just wants a few components I really dont want to know about it. If you at least were upfront about it all i would be a lot more sympathetic, but it seems to require probing to find out anything. if the sb4k has been designed to fit in the shallowest par metal case, then a different sized one is chosen by you, then i do consider it an issue. I can only assume you are ordering a load of extra 10'' ones so you can sell them for other projects. If this is the case, at least be honest about it. If its not the case then it seems like absolute madness!

it may be a part time business, it may not pay the bills, but its something you have opted to do.  if your're no good at doing it maybe you should give it up?


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