Diy Parts Supply - 3 rail adjustable psu kits $35 (+/-/48V(or other))

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What a pro. Your demeanour is just as refined as your website (both like a 12 year old boys)

Please do refund me... with interest for over the 3rd of a year youve had my money!

I'll probably still get it built before anyone who keeps waiting on you.

C U Next Tuesday

I did not insult you. I stated the facts... which just happened to cast you in a pretty awful light.

You insulted me, and did so after failing to provide a pretty basic service you claimed to be able to do. The fact that you cannot is no fault of mine.

You have wasted my time, and took my money over xmas. Not only that, but you have done it to a load of other prodigy members who all work hard to keep the community running and productive.

And youre trying to call me out!?!

I hope you refund everyone who asks for it. We all have the bom, i can have the parts here in 4 days. That you cant do it in 4 months is astonishing!

Let it go , take the money and be happy
This is not a rip off
everyone here asks others for something
you can be right if you want to and have the last word
if you hold onto it long enough
reminds me of the an ebay buyer who was telling me
how much it should cost and how fast it should get to him
Caveat emptor! Groupbuys and diy-projects are notorious for taking longer than planned.

After six years of participating in various diy endeavours, a 4-month delay actually seems short to me :p
The simple fact is this.

Im a real big fan of prodigy and have a ton of respect for 99% of the contributing members. Some bits (like the SB4k / SA3A / 51x / slenderchaps new additions) is industry leading stuff and blows my mind.

Im happy to expect delays and problems... its alll part of this crazy world we involve ourselves in (and which I consider myself an appreciative student)

However, that does not mean Im happy to do business with someone who is not honest and cant do the job they proclaim to be able to do.

Im not holding him up against the same standards to which I would hold a real business (he would not be in business)... Im simply holding him up against what I consider to fair and decent in terms of general human behavior.

Not only did he fail spectacularly, but he tried to insinuate that I was being rude for having the audacity to point out his failures.

If you want to do business with this guy, its clearly your choice. I know people will chime in to support him. I would just say dont bother in my personal opinion, and I feel bad for mike for having got into bed with a total lead balloon.

All the best
I didn't insinuate anything, you are clearly calling me a liar and claiming that I can't come through. Every single issue that has come up through this epic adventure is 100% real and honest, there have been a lot of problems that are completely out of my control. You have no idea how much time I have spent worrying about this and stressing out every time I have received, yet another, e-mail or phone call from another supplier with bad news. You also have no idea how incredibly expensive this has all been. I have spent A LOT of money above what i initially planned to in order to try and get things faster instead of waiting for backorders.

In order to get these kits together at this price point i had to deal with over 10 different suppliers, and some parts were simply out of stock. From mouser and digi-key alone i received 5-6 backorder shipments since the initial orders were placed. If you've ever looked on any major component site you'll see that a lot of lead times are NOT what you would consider reasonable, but that's life as far as electronic components go.

I realize full well that this has taken a long time, and I guarantee that it bothers me as much as it bothers you. I feel terrible that I've held Mike up as he is a great person and has made some amazing projects. I've done everything I could think of to try and get things moving faster, but it's not as easy as you think when dealing with a kit that has as many pieces in it as this.

The reason you have irked me is that you're badmouthing me and making accusations in a thread that I pay for...and you haven't even once tried to e-mail me. You have every right to say whatever you please about me I suppose, but I don't take kindly to your tone or insults (re-read your post, there are plenty of insults) and your choice to sully my thread with you displeasure. Also, i see you chose to toss some insults about me into Mikes SA3A support thread, do you really consider that appropriate?

Since the simple fact is that I am a good guy and it does make me upset that you are not happy, and I'm not out to rip anyone off. You are welcome to your parts kit (which is ready to ship) if you like. I'm not going to be spiteful and force you to take a refund and self source, simply e-mail me and let me know.

If you wish to debate this further, please e-mail me and I will be happy to have a civilized conversation with you.
Hey Ptown, Thanks for this service. I fully appreciate the effort to put together, source, assemble, and deliver these kits. Delays happen and are expected. It will be well worth the wait to add these 4k's into my rack.

This is not McSSL!  :eek:

This is:

Looking forward to completing this project  ;D


Ptownkid said:
but it's not as easy as you think when dealing with a kit that has as many pieces in it as this.

No, its not as easy as YOU think it is. Youre the one who offered the service and set the expectations. You didnt even have a supplier for the chassis. Its YOU that made the mistake if you thought it would be easy.

Ptownkid said:
The reason you have irked me is that you're badmouthing me and making accusations in a thread that I pay for...and you haven't even once tried to e-mail me.

Completely appropriate... so people who come to you for products know what kind of service to expect. Why would I email you? This isnt a personal one off problem, its a big problem effecting a lot of people who read this thread. Everyone needs the info im asking for, not just me.

Ptownkid said:
Also, i see you chose to toss some insults about me into Mikes SA3A support thread, do you really consider that appropriate?


Mike posted a pic of his kits that he was proud of and has done an amazing job at getting together. I thought your comment was really really offensive (even if you had a wicked pic to put up).

The fact that you havent even got your parts makes it beyond comic!

Im not even in a rush to build this thing, I just thought it was time someone had the balls to point out that your business practise is terrible. You can take it on board or not.

Refund or kit? I dont care. Im not being spiteful either. Honestly, if everyone asked for a refund you probably couldnt afford it. Thats not what I want to see.
The pic thing was a sarcastic joke...Mike and I are friends and we had been talking about the staggering amount of parts I had to sort through right around when he posted that. You are assuming that it was meant as an insult, when it in fact was a joke between friends.

You've said what you wanted to, things are moving forward as they've always been, please let it go...
I have probably only said half of what I want to say, but in the spirit of keeping the good prodigy vibe alive I will leave it where it is.

If we get parts and chassis shipped at different times, how will that impact the import costs for us euro guys? Will it be the same value split over 2 loads, or will we pay twice?

Can parts be shipped in jiffy bag as a letter and personal to avoid import tax or is it clearly a package? If parts can come as letter tax free, then it makes more sense for us to split the packages. I cant really fill out the form without that info.

Also, are the XLR's holes labled  (in / out etc?), or just plain punched? I remember a long time back (when I first asked why you chose 10'' chassis) you were saying you were working on something really great for the chassis and you would provide an update, but I dont think we saw anything.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean about the import costs...whatever is shipped will be the value of the package. The cheapest way as far as actual shipping charges goes is to wait and get one package, but many people asked for the option to get them separate. As for import taxes and fees in your specific country i have no idea. Different countries have different rules regarding dollar value thresholds.

The parts will not fit in an envelope, nor do i feel comfortable shipping these parts in such a fashion. Great care was taken to protect the ics and sockets from shipping damage. I suppose it is possible to ship as "personal" but I assume that in order to claim them as personal I can't send an invoice along with it, which in some countries is a requirement and causes problems without one (Germany, i'm looking in your direction, lol)

You are all welcome to investigate your own individual country's rules and add a note to your order with your wishes.

Yes, the full blown custom chassis plan got sidetracked as the investment was more than I could handle when I started hemorrhaging money to try and expedite the parts kits. The chassis are par-metal and i will be processing the back panels myself. I can put simple engraved labels on there if you like.
There are still 6 chassis available. The parts kits and meters will be stock items, but the chassis will not. If anyone wants one of the remaining six, step on up.

Slowly but surely people are filling out the SB4000 form and things are falling into place. I will send a confirmation e-mail to those who filled the form to acknowledge that your credit has been applied to your account so that you know you are able to "order" your kit through the site and have it shipped.

Thanks everyone!
Sounds great, stoked to build! I appreciate the time you put into this PTown. Might I also add I'm very happy with my Great River kit I bought from you. Sounds GREAT!
Just sent payment for a kit + chassis. I'm assuming I got one of the 6 remaining chassis's (chassis'? chasi?). Please confirm at your leisure.

I really appreciate your sourcing the parts and offering kits Ptown. As someone that runs an indie record label, I understand what a stressful and thankless endeavor things like this can be.